Rabbi Moshe Gershon Altschuler

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Rabbi Moshe Gershon Altschuler (Eberles) (1520 - 1557)

Hebrew: הגביר העצום הקצין רבי משה עברליס, פרנס ומנהיג בקראקא, Yiddish: משה עבערלס
Birthplace: Praha, okres Hlavní město Praha, Praha, Czech Republic
Death: July 18, 1557 (32-41)
Malopolskie,, Kraków, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Immediate Family:

Son of Avraham Altschuler and Chana Bat Eliezer Treves Eberles
Husband of Chana Yonah ? Altschuler
Father of Rbzn. Shprinza Katz; Rabbi Yakov Eberles and Krendel Isserles, [RaMa #1 wife]
Brother of Rabbi Yaakov Everles and אשת ר' מנחם מן בתו של ר' אברהם עבר אלטשולר

Occupation: Rabbi in Prague & Krakow, Rabbi in Prague and Krakow
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Rabbi Moshe Gershon Altschuler

NB: Known my two different surnames: Everels and Altshuler. They both refer to the same person.

ID: I67242 Name: Moshe Altschuler EBERLES Sex: M Name: Moshe ALTSCHULER Eberles Name: Moses (Rabbi) EBER 1 Name: Moses EBERLES 2 Birth: 1490 in Praha (Prague), Bohemia (Czech Republic) Death: 1557 in Kraków, Poland

Father: Abraham Altshuler (Rabbi) EBER b: ABT 1465 in Praha (Prague), Bohemia (Czech Republic)

Marriage 1 Chana TREVES b: ABT 1500 Children

Isaac Yakov EBERLES (Yekeles) b: 1538 in Kraków, Poland

Rebbitzen Shprinza EBERLES b: ABT 1530 in Kraków, Poland _____________________________________________________________________________
•ID: I67240 •Name: Isaac Yakov (YEKELES) (Yekeles) •Sex: M •Birth: 1538 in Kraków, Poland •Death: 1596

Father: Moshe Altschuler EBERLES b: 1490 in Praha (Prague), Bohemia (Czech Republic)

Mother: Chana TREVES b: ABT 1500

Marriage 1 Gittel LANDAU b: ABT 1550


1. Roza EBERLES b: ABT 1570

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From "Tiferes Aryeh"

P"M Krakow



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Rabbi Moshe Gershon Altschuler's Timeline

Praha, okres Hlavní město Praha, Praha, Czech Republic
Krakow, Poland
Krakow, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
July 18, 1557
Age 37
Malopolskie,, Kraków, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Age 37