Gitl Dobra Brandeis

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Gitl Dobra Brandeis (d. Chaim Wahl) (b. - 1636)

Hebrew: גיטל דוברה ברנדייס (ואהל), נכדת המהר"ל
Death: 1636
Praha, Praha, Czech Republic
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Rabbi Chaim Wahl, [Maharal law] and Realina Wahl, [Maharal dau. #9]
Wife of Rabbi Shmuel haLevi Brandeis, Maharal Gd.son
Mother of Rabbi Chaim haLevi Brandeis; Rabbi Gershon ben Shmuel Halevi Brandeis; Rabbi Bezalal Halevi Brandeis; Rabbi Shimon Brandeis; Ester Brandies and 1 other
Sister of Wahl; Rabbi Zvi Wahl; Wolf Wahl; Sorel Sacks; Loeb Wahl and 1 other

Managed by: Prof. Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:

About Gitl Dobra Brandeis

100 Gutel bt harosh Chaim Wahl 1636