Historical records matching Étienne-Pierre Trudeau, Sr.
Immediate Family
About Étienne-Pierre Trudeau, Sr.
- Location info: Montréal
Lawrence, a town known as Ville Marie. Etienne settled on .84 acre of land on the outskirts of the town named Longueil. He became involved in the early politics of Montreal because of his skills as a master carpenter and soldier.
Although his children were voyagers and explorers, Etienne lived by this motto - "A rolling stone never gathers moss". He certainly made a good living and worked hard for his money. In Longueil, he lived on a 7 X 40 arpent of land in a two story house with a barn and stable with horses, with a bread bakery, a big chicken coop, and pig stable, and a beautiful fruit tree orchard. In his later years, he leased his land to his son, Charles. Later, Charles bought the land with an agreement for Charles to care for Etienne in his old age. Etienne lived until he was 71 years of age.
The recuriting efforts of the Montreal Association, the hospital, and Seminary of the Sulpicians, brought soldiers to defend the colony. Father de Queylus, priest in Canada, was recruiting craftsmen to work for the St Sulpice Seminary. Etienne was a carpenter of large projects and was employed on June 8, 1659 for three years at l00 livres (silver coins minted in France) per annum with freee lodging with Fr Queylus by Marie de la Dauversiere acting for Marie de Queylus. He was placed in charge of large projects as general manager of the project. He did 30 contracts. This involved buying and selling the land, clearing the property, and then erecting the buildings. He hired many men to work on the projects. He hired Antoine Regault a master mason on June 15th, 1675 to do mason work at a cost of l65 livres, and three pints of whiskey. In this way Etienne built barns, houses, hospitals, and even a chapel for the Sisters of Notre Dame Congregation, He became a very successufl business man and many people people owed him money for building projects.
In 1663 Etienne was a soldier of the 6th escouaide uner the leadership of Corporal Gilbert Barbier and he was one of the heroes of combat with the Iroquois Indians of May 6, 1662. Etienne was noted as as a concessionaire on December 7 1665. As a carpenter, Etienne was much sought after to build many of the residences of early Montreal. He joined with master masons in his capacity as a carpenter of large projects. Thus on February 13, 1689, he is noted working with master masons Michel Bouvier and Mathurin Colin. Etienne at the age of 25 married Adrienne Barbier, the daughter of one of the first colonists of Montreal, Adrienne entered the Hotel Dieu at 10 years of age, where she enthusiastically wished to serve the Institute. She was withdrawn by her parents, and married off to Etienne Trudeau. Sister Morin wrote that it servers God for she is the mother of a large family which she nourishes and raises in love and fear of Our Lord with structure and wisdom in all things.
The Tudeau family was one of the most prolific of all the immigrant families of 1659.
Etienne Trudeau was the first Trudeau in America and the ancestor of all of the people of that name in North
America. He was the son of Francois Trudeau, a master mason, and Catherine Matinier of Notre-Dame-de-Cogne, La Rochelle, Aunis, France, but was baptisted at Sainte-Margerite of that city on September 15, 1641.
He had three older brothers and one was born after him. He became a master carpenter at the age of eighteen. Having attained this skill, on the 8 June, 1659, he signed a contract to do five years military service in New France. He left La Rochelle on the 2 July, 1659, aboard the SAINT ANDRE, a ship of 300 tons. Also aboard were Marguerite Bourgeoys, Jeanne Mance and two Sulpician priests, on their way to support the struggling little settlement up river from Quebec. During the crossing, the plague was declared to have been present and those who died aboard were immediately thrown into the sea with all that was used or touched by them.
On the 6th of May, 1662, he with two other workers were caught in the open by fifty Iroquois who lay in ambush. Fleeing to the redoubt, Etienne led the small party in defence until reenforcements arrived. Loosing their advantage, the Iroquois retreated taking their wounded with them. Although the Indians had fired over 300 shots, the only damage was a gun broken when struck by a bullet.
@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations Inc 1,1091::0
@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations Inc 1,1091::0
@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations Inc 1,1091::0
Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 2008 1,1091::14599961
@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations Inc 1,1091::0
@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations Inc 1,1091::0
Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 2008 1,1091::14599961
Étienne-Pierre Trudeau, Sr.'s Timeline
1641 |
September 15, 1641
Sainte-Marguerite de Cogne, La Rochelle, Aunis, France
September 15, 1641
Sainte-Marguerite de Cogne, La Rochelle, Aunis, France
1659 |
September 7, 1659
Age 17
September 29, 1659
Age 18
September 29, 1659
Age 18
Il immigre a Montreal le 29 septembre 1659
1667 |
November 14, 1667
Montréal, , Quebec, Canada
1669 |
September 24, 1669
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
1672 |
January 27, 1672
Montréal, , Quebec, Canada