public profile
Æthelreda was married to Gospatrick MacMaldred. She is recorded as Edmund's sister, but their parentage is uncertain. She might have been a daughter of Eadred.
1. GOSPATRICK ([1040/48]-[1075]). Simeon of Durham names "Cospatric son of Maldred son of Crinan" when recording that he was appointed Earl of Northumberland[382]. Earl of Northumberland from Dec 1067.
GOSPATRICK, son of MALDRED Lord of Allerdale & his wife Ealdgyth of Northumbria ([1040/48]-[1075]). Simeon of Durham names "Cospatric son of Maldred son of Crinan" when recording that he was appointed Earl of Northumberland[390]. His parentage is given by Roger of Hoveden[391]. He paid William I King of England a heavy fine so he could succeed as Earl of Northumberland in Dec 1067, although he did have a hereditary claim through his mother's family. He rebelled against King William and joined the invading Norwegians who sailed up the river Humber in Sep 1069 and captured York by storm[392]. Gospatrick fled but was pardoned. In [Oct/Nov] 1072 old charges were brought against him and he was deprived of the earldom of Northumberland, fleeing to Scotland. Simeon of Durham records that he fled to Malcolm King of Scotland who granted him "Dunbar with the lands adjacent in Lothian"[393].
m ---, sister of EDMUND, daughter of ---. The Complete Peerage records the wife of Gospatrick as the sister of Edmund, but does not cite the primary source on which this is based[394].
Earl Gospatrick & his wife had seven children: THIS SEEMS DISPUTED
1. DOLFIN . Simeon of Durham names "Dolfin, Walther and Cospatric" as the sons of Gospatrick[395]. He is named first of the three sons of Gospatrick given by Roger of Hoveden[396]. He was expelled from Carlisle in 1092[397]. m ---. The name of Dolfin´s wife is not known. Dolfin & his wife had one child: a) UHTRED FitzDolfin de Cungeston [Conistone] . He held land at Conistone in the honour of Skipton and in Burnsall in the Bulmer fief[398]. m ---. The name of Uhtred´s wife is not known. Uhtred & his wife had two children: i) SIMON . He was ancestor of the Hebden family[399]. ii) KETEL . This son was named as illegitimate
2. WALTHEOF . Simeon of Durham names "Dolfin, Walther and Cospatric" as the sons of Gospatrick[400]. He is named second of the three sons of Gospatrick given by Roger of Hoveden[401]. The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that “Ranulphus de Meschines” enfeoffed “Waldevum filium Cospatricii de Dunbar comitem in Scotia” with “tota baronia de Allerdale” and that “Willielmus de Meschines dominus de Coupland” enfeoffed “Waldevum filium Cospatricii” with “tota terra inter Cocar et Derwent”[402]. "…Cospatric frater Dalfin, Waldef frater suus…" witnessed inquisitions by "David…Cumbrensis regionis princeps", dated 1124, concerning land owned by the church of Glasgow[403]. Lord of Allerdale. Abbot of Crowland [1126] to Dec 1138, when he was deposed at the legatine council of Westminster[404]. An undated agreement between Geoffrey abbot of St Albans and "Gospatric the earl" recites that the abbot granted Gospatric and "his son Adam (…formerly called Waldief)" the "land of Archil Morel…Beuuicke"[405]. “Waldevus filius Cospatrici comitis” donated property to Gysburn Priory, with the consent of “uxore mea Sigrida et filiis meis Cospatrico et Alano”, by undated charter which names “El. filio Erlafi presbyteri cognate meo”[406]. m SIGRID, daughter of ---. “Waldevus filius Cospatrici comitis” donated property to Gysburn Priory, with the consent of “uxore mea Sigrida et filiis meis Cospatrico et Alano”, by undated charter[407]. Waltheof & his wife had three children: a) ALAN . “Waldevus filius Cospatrici comitis” donated property to Gysburn Priory, with the consent of “uxore mea Sigrida et filiis meis Cospatrico et Alano”, by undated charter[408]. "…Alano filio Waldeof et Gospatrico fratre suo…" witnessed a charter dated 1139 under which "David Rex Scotie" confirmed the grant of Coldingham by "Gospatricus comes frater Dolfini" to St Cuthbert[409]. “Alanus filius Walleovi, filii Cospatrici comitis” donated property to Gysburn Priory by undated charter, witnessed by “matre mea Sigarith…”, which names “Athelwardo clerico, filio Erlavi sacerdotis”[410]. b) ETHELDREDA . The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that “Alanus filius et hæres eiusdem Waldevi” enfeoffed “Ranulpho” with property and “Etheldreda sorore sua”[411]. m RANULF, son of ---. c) GUNHILD . The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that “Alanus filius et hæres eiusdem Waldevi” enfeoffed “Ugthredo filio Fergus domino Galwediæ” with property and “Guynolda sorore sua”[412]. m UHTRED, son of FERGUS Lord of Galloway & his wife --- (-1174). He succeeded his father in [1136] as Lord of Galloway. Waltheof had one illegitimate son by an unknown mistress: d) GOSPATRICK . The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that “Alanus filius et hæres eiusdem Waldevi” had “unum fratrem bastardum…Cospatricium” to whom he granted property[413]. "…Gospatricius filius Waltheof…" witnessed the possibly spurious charter dated to [1120] of "Alexander…Rex Scottorum…Sibilla regina Scottorum…"[414]. "…Gospatricio filio Waltheui" witnessed the charter dated 1124 under which "Alexander…Rex Scottorum" granted jurisdiction to the prior of Scone[415]. "…Alano filio Waldeof et Gospatrico fratre suo…" witnessed a charter dated 1139 under which "David Rex Scotie" confirmed the grant of Coldingham by "Gospatricus comes frater Dolfini" to St Cuthbert[416]. “Waldevus filius Cospatrici comitis” donated property to Gysburn Priory, with the consent of “uxore mea Sigrida et filiis meis Cospatrico et Alano”, by undated charter[417]. 1156. m ---. The name of Gospatrick´s wife is not known. Gospatrick & his wife had one child: i) WALTHEOF (-before 1200). m ---. The name of Waltheof´s wife is not known. Waltheof & his wife had children: (a) daughters ....
3. GOSPATRICK (-[killed in battle Cowton Moor, near Northallerton 22 Aug 1138]). Simeon of Durham names "Dolfin, Walther and Cospatric" as the sons of Gospatrick[418]. He is named third of the three sons of Gospatrick by Roger of Hoveden[419].- see below.
4. ETHELREDA (bur Dunfermline Abbey, Fife). The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that “Waldevus filius comitis Cospatricii” enfeoffed “Waldeve filio Gileminii” with property and “Ethreda sorore sua”[420]. The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that “Ethreda sorore Waldevi patris sui” married “Doncani comes de Murrayse” and that their son “Willielmus” was succeeded by “Alanus filius Waldevi”[421]. The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not yet been identified. It is assumed that Duncan was Ethelreda´s first husband and Waltheof her second husband. m firstly ([1090]%29 DUNCAN of Scotland, son of MALCOLM III "Caennmor/Bighead" King of Scotland & his first wife --- ([1060]-murdered Monthechim/Mondynes, Kincardineshire 12 Nov 1094, bur Dunfermline Abbey, Fife). He succeeded in 1094 as DUNCAN II King of Scotland. m secondly WALTHEOF, son of GILLEMIN & his wife ---.
5. GUNHILDA . The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that “Waldevus filius comitis Cospatricii” enfeoffed “Ormo Ketelli” with property and “Gurwelda sorore sua”[422]. m ORM, son of KETIL & his wife ---. Orm & his wife had one child: a) GOSPATRICK . The 1157 Pipe Roll records "Gospat´z fil Ormi" in Carlisle[423].
6. MATILDA . The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that “Waldevus filius comitis Cospatricii” enfeoffed “Dolfino filio Alwardi” with property and “Matilda sorore sua”[424]. m DOLFIN, son of AYLWARD & his wife ---.
Aethelreda Princess of England +-9986 [Parents] was born about 1042 in of,Dunbar,East Lothian,Scotland. She married Gospatric Earl of Northumberland *-9901 about 1057.
Princess Æthelreda of England1
F, #158219, b. circa 1042
Last Edited=15 Jul 2006
Princess Æthelreda of England was born circa 1042 at Dunbar, Scotland.1 She married Gospatric, Earl of Northumberland, son of Maldred, Lord of Allerdale and Ealdgyth of Northumberland.1
Source: www.familysearchpilot
Additional Information for Aethelreda of /England/
Notes (1)
_P_CCINFO 1-18437
Citing This Record
"Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SRD2-N8J : accessed 2013-01-09), entry for Aethelreda of /England/.
submission id:MM3P-4BV
person count:20675
From http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SCOTTISH%20NOBILITY.htm#GospatrickD...
1. GOSPATRICK (-[killed in battle Cowton Moor, near Northallerton 22 Aug 1138]). Simeon of Durham names "Dolfin, Walther and Cospatric" as the sons of Gospatrick[1407]. A memorandum dated to [1275] records that "Earl Cospatryk formerly earl of Dunbar in Scotland had a brother Dolfin earl of Northumbarland…both…bastards", that they had "a legitimate brother Waldeve and a legitimate sister Etheldreda…of one father and one mother"[1408]. It seems more likely that Gospatrick was his father’s oldest legitimate son as his father’s title was transmitted to his descendants.
1042 |
Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
1062 |
Age 20
Castle Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
1068 |
Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
???? |