Immediate Family
father's partner
half sister
half brother
half brother
half brother
half sister
half sister
About Æthelreda, of Northumbria
Ethelreda (either the same as or conflated with Octreda or Uhtreda; 11th century) was a daughter of Gospatric, Earl of Northumbria remembered in 13th century Cumberland as the mother of William fitz Duncan. She is thought to have been the wife of Duncan II of Scotland, though very little is known otherwise about her.
Ethelreda or Æthelreda, daughter of Gospatrick and his wife.
4. ETHELREDA (bur Dunfermline Abbey, Fife). The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that “Waldevus filius comitis Cospatricii” enfeoffed “Waldeve filio Gileminii” with property and “Ethreda sorore sua”[420]. The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that “Ethreda sorore Waldevi patris sui” married “Doncani comes de Murrayse” and that their son “Willielmus” was succeeded by “Alanus filius Waldevi”[421].
The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not yet been identified. It is assumed that Duncan was Ethelreda´s first husband and Waltheof her second husband.
m firstly ([1090]%29 DUNCAN of Scotland, son of MALCOLM III "Caennmor/Bighead" King of Scotland & his first wife --- ([1060]-murdered Monthechim/Mondynes, Kincardineshire 12 Nov 1094, bur Dunfermline Abbey, Fife). He succeeded in 1094 as DUNCAN II King of Scotland.
m secondly WALTHEOF, son of GILLEMIN & his wife ---.
Duncan II of Scotland
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is probably in the period 1093–1094 that Duncan married Uchtreda of Northumbria, daughter of Gospatric, Earl of Dunbar and Northumbria, although an earlier betrothal has been proposed.
- [S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 179. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.
- [S60] Charles and Hugh Brogan Mosley, editor, American Presidential Families (London, U.K.: Alan Sutton and Morris Genealogical Books, 1994), page 46. Hereinafter cited as American Presidential Families.
- [S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families, page 186.
Æthelreda, of Northumbria's Timeline
1068 |
Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
1090 |
1094 |
Age 26
Dunfermline Abbey,Dunfermline,Fife,Scotland
???? |
Dumferline Abbey, Dumferline, Fife, Scotland (United Kingdom)