Immediate Family
About Ælflæd
Siward (Sigurd) entrenched his position in northern England by marrying Ælfflæd, the daughter of Ealdred, Earl of Bamburgh. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siward,_Earl_of_Northumbria
Simeon of Durham's Account of the Siege of Durham records that Earl Aldred was the father of five daughters, three of whom bore the same name Ælfleda, the fourth…Aldgitha and the fifth Etheldritha [446]. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLAND,%20AngloSaxon%20nobility.h...
Ælfflæd, Siward's wife
SIWARD (-York 26 Mar 1055, bur Galmanho Monastery [=York St Mary's][374]). The Vita et Passio Waldevi Comitis names “Siuuardus” as son of “Beorn cognomento Beresune…filius ursi…Dacus natione”[375]. A Dane, he may have come to England with the invasion of Knud of Denmark in 1015. He was recognised as Earl of Northumbria after the murder of his wife's uncle in 1041[376]. The Annales Dunelmenses record that "comes Siward" invaded Scotland with a large army in 1046 and briefly expelled "rege Macbeod", the king recovering his realm when Siward withdrew[377]. He actively supported Edward "the Confessor" King of England against Earl Godwin and his sons in 1051. The Annales Dunelmenses record that "Siwardus" put "Macbeth" to flight in 1054 and installed "Malcolmum rege" in the following year[378].
m ÆLFLED, daughter of EALDRED Earl of Northumbria & his [first/second] wife ---. Simeon of Durham names "Elfleda daughter of Earl Aldred" as wife of Siward and mother of Waltheof[379]. Siward & his wife had two children:
i) OSBEORN (-killed in battle 27 Jul 1054). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. He was killed fighting King Macbeth of Scotland with his father.
ii) WALTHEOF (-executed St Giles's Hill, Winchester 31 May 1076, bur Crowland Abbey383). Florence of Worcester records that "Waltheofum Siwardi ducis filius" went with King William to Normandy 21 Feb [1067][380]. Simeon of Durham records that "Waltheu the son of earl Siward…by Elfleda daughter of Earl Aldred" was installed as Earl of Northumberland after the earldom was confiscated from Gospatrick [in 1072][381]. His parentage is recorded by Roger of Hoveden[382]. Matthew of Paris specifies that he was the son of Siward, of Danish origin[383]. Earl of Huntingdonshire and Northamptonshire [1065].
Ealdred, Earl of Bamburgh
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Ealdred, Earl of Bernicia)
Ealdred was Earl of Bernicia from 1020/25 until his murder in 1038. He was the son of Uhtred, Earl of Northumbria, who was murdered by Thurbrand the Hold in 1016 with the connivance of Canute. Ealdred's mother was Ecgfrida, daughter of Aldhun, bishop of Durham.
Ealdred succeeded his uncle Eadwulf Cudel as Earl of Bernicia in 1020/25, and some time probably in the mid 1020s he killed Thurbrand in revenge for his father's death. In 1038 Ealdred was murdered by Thurbrand's son, Carl. He was succeeded as Earl of Bernicia by his brother, another Eadwulf, who was murdered by King Harthacanute in 1041.
Ealdred's daughter, Aelfflaed, was the first wife of Siward, Earl of Northumbria and her son, and Ealdred's grandson, was Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria.
Fletcher, Richard. Bloodfeud: Murder and Revenge in Anglo-Saxon England. Allen Lane 2002.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p63.htm#i8097 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Notes Earl Ealdred had five daughters. of whom three were called Aelfflaed. the fourth Ealdgyth. and the fifth Aetheldryth. From one of these Aelfflaeds, Earl Siward fathered Earl Waltheof. And because this Aelfflaed was a countess, since she was the daughter of Earl Ealdred who was the son of Earl Uhtred and the daughter of Bishop Ealdun, she claimed the aforesaid lands as hers by hereditary right - Barmpton. Skirningham. Elton, Carlton. School Aycliffe, and Monk Heselden which Earl Siward, her husband, gave her; and he gave to his son the earldom of the Northumbrians, just as W al theof' s grandfather. Earl Ealdred, had held it. After the death of Earl Siward and Countess Aelfflaed, war erupted and these lands were devastated. [A Study of Marriage and Murder in Eleventh-century Northumbria:Issue 82 By Christopher J. Morris]
Notes ◦Earl Ealdred had five daughters. of whom three were called Aelfflaed. the fourth Ealdgyth. and the fifth Aetheldryth. From one of these Aelfflaeds, Earl Siward fathered Earl Waltheof.
And because this Aelfflaed was a countess, since she was the daughter of Earl Ealdred who was the son of Earl Uhtred and the daughter of Bishop Ealdun, she claimed the aforesaid lands as hers by hereditary right - Barmpton. Skirningham. Elton, Carlton. School Aycliffe, and Monk Heselden which Earl Siward, her husband, gave her; and he gave to his son the earldom of the Northumbrians, just as W al theof' s grandfather. Earl Ealdred, had held it. After the death of Earl Siward and Countess Aelfflaed, war erupted and these lands were devastated.
[A Study of Marriage and Murder in Eleventh-century Northumbria:Issue 82 By Christopher J. Morris]
Ælflæd's Timeline
1024 |
1030 |
Northumberland, England
1040 |
Wallsend, Tyne and Wear, England (United Kingdom)
1049 |
Abbey St Peters, Ghent, Belgium
1941 |
January 9, 1941
January 9, 1941
April 4, 1941
April 4, 1941
1991 |
June 18, 1991