Immediate Family
About Åsulv Skulesson
Lendermann Åsulv Skulesson, til Rein
- Son of Jarl Skule Tostesson, på Rein and Gudrun Nevsteinsdatter, av Rein
- He is mentioned as one of the lenders who, after Harald Gilles's death in 1136, supported Harald's son, Sigurd Munn. He was Sigurd's guardian and got him elevated to the throne. Guttorm and his entire family were closely linked to the Trunders party around Sigurd Mund and Haakon Herdebreid.
- From Snorre Sturlasson: Inges Saga: «1. ... When the teens came north to Trondheim that King Harald (Gille) was taken off days, Sigurd, son of King Harald, was taken king there, and included in this decision were Ottar Birting, Peter Saue-Ulvsson and the brothers Guttorm Åsolvsson from Rein and Ottar Balle and many other chieftains. ”
Project MedLands, Norway Nobility
SKULI Tostesson Kongsfostre,son of [TOSTIG Godwinsson & his wife Judith de Flandre] . Snorre names "Skule, a son of Earl Toste, who since has been called the king's foster-son, and his brother Ketil Krok…of high family in England" when recording that they accompanied Olav King of Norway after their father's were both killed at the battle of Stamford Bridge[222], the context suggesting that he and his brother were adults at the time. If this is correct, they must have been their father's illegitimate sons and not the children of Tostig who were “unweaned” when their father died, referred to in the Vita Ædwardi Regis[223]. Morkinskinna records that “Skúli, the son of Jarl Tostig Godwinson, and Ketill krókr from Hálogaland came to Norway with King Óláfr” after the failed invasion of England in 1066[224]. Snorre records that King Olav granted lands "eastward at Konungahella, Oslo, Tunsberg, Sarpsborg, Bergen, and north at Nidaros" to Skule[225]. Morkinskinna records that “not long after King Haraldr´s fall Skúli went west to England to ask for the return of King Haraldr´s body” which was “readily granted to him”[226].
married GUDRUN Nefsteinsdatter, daughter of NEFSTEIN --- & his wife Ingerid Sigurdsdatter. Snorre records that King Olav gave Skule "his female relative, Gudrun, the daughter of Nefstein…and Ingerid" in marriage[227].
Skuli & his wife Gudrun had two children:
- 1. ASULF Skulesson of Rein Snorre names "Asolf of Reine" as the son of Skule & his wife[228]. Morkinskinna names “Ásólfr, the father of Guthormr at Rein” as the son of “Skúli, the son of Jarl Tostig Godwinson”[229]. married THORA Skoptisdotter, daughter of SKOPTI Ogmundsson of Giske & his wife ---. Snorre names "Thora, a daughter of Skopte Ogmundson" as the wife of "Asolf of Reine"[230].
Asulf Skulesson of Rein & THORA Skoptisdotter his wife had two children
- a) GUTTORM Asulfsson of Rein Snorre names "Guthorm of Reine" as the son of "Asolf of Reine" & his wife[231]. Morkinskinna names “Ásólfr, the father of Guthormr at Rein” as the son of “Skúli, the son of Jarl Tostig Godwinson”[232].
- b) SIGRID Asulfddotter married HALLKEL Huk.
Sigrid Asulfddotter & her husband Halkel Huk had two children:
- i) JON Halkelsson married MARGARETA Haraldsdatter, illegitimate daughter of HARALD "Gille" King of Norway & his mistress. Snorre names "Harald Gille's third daughter…Margaret who was married to Jon Halkelson, a brother of Simon [233].
Jon & his wife Margareta had one child:
- (a) HALLKEL Jonsson (-killed in battle Florevåg near Bergen 3 Apr 1194). From Blindheim Jarl in Norway. married (after 19 Jun 1179) as her second husband, RAGNHILD Erlingsdatter, widow of JON Thorbergsson, daughter of ERLING Ormsen Skakke & his wife Kristin of Norway. The Saga of King Sverre records the marriage of "Ragnhild daughter of Earl Erling and Kristin Kings-daughter" and "Halkel son of Jon Hallkelsson"[234].
Hallkel & his wife had one child:
- (1) RAGNVALD Hallkelsson (-murdered Husvik near Drøbak 1217, bur Oslo). Stormann of the Bagler in Norway.
- ii) SIMON Skalp (-killed in battle 1161). Snorre names "Simon Skalp, a son of Halkel Huk" when recording his marriage[235]. m ([1155]%29 MARIA Haraldsdatter, illegitimate daughter of HARALD "Gille" King of Norway & his mistress ---. Snorre names "Harald Gille's second daughter…Maria who was married to Simon Skalp, a son of Halkel Huk"[236].
Simon & MARIA Haraldsdatter his wife had one child:
- (a) NIKOLAS Snorre names Nikolas as son of "Simon Skalp, a son of Halkel Huk" & his wife[237]. Snorre records that "Simon Skalp's son, the son of a daughter of King Harald Gille" was proposed as king in 1161[238].
- 2. RAGNHILD Skulisdatter married ORM Svendsson "Krypinge-Orm", son of SVEN Svensson & his wife Ragna Ormsdatter (-[1140]).
- http://www.ointres.se/carellk/sida0/h_____mk.htm
- http://finnholbek.dk/getperson.php?personID=I36071&tree=2
- Kilde: http://www.tore-nygaard.com/middelalder/533.htm
- http://www.thepeerage.com/p4284.htm#i42831
- https://no.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skule_Kongsfostre
- https://oursmallworld.org/1303%20Aud%20Marit%20Engh%20Forfedre%20Fo...
- https://www.tfb.no/db/tusenaarige_by/3_7_20080508_173830.pdf
- https://www.academia.edu/37103615/Johan_Petter_Wernberg_del_II
- Snorre Sturlasson: Harald Hardrådes saga, avsnitt 98. C.M. Munthe: Norske slegtsmerker, NST Bind I (1928), side 345. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 834. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 84.
- Norwegian Biographical Lexicon" (Volume I, published in 1924), CM Munthe in "Norwegian Slander" (NST in 1928), Mogens Bugge in "Our Ancestors" and by Bent and Vidar Billing Hansen in "The Rosens Sword's Ancestors"
- Snorre Sturlasson: Harald Hardrådes saga, section 98. Snorre Sturlasson: Inges saga, section 1. Norwegian Biographical Lexicon, Volume I (1923), page 334. CM Munthe: Norwegian bad marks, NST Volume I (1928), page 345. Mogens Bugge : Our ancestors, no. 833. Bent and Vidar Billing Hansen: Ancestors of the Rosewood family, pages 22, 84.
{geni:occupation} Lendermann
{geni:about_me} http://finnholbek.dk/getperson.php?personID=I36071&tree=2
Lendermann Åsulv Skulesson Rein, Rissa i Trøndelag.
Gift med Thora Skoftesdotter Giske.
ABT 1075 - ____
OCCUPATION: Lendermann
BIRTH: ABT 1075, (Åsulv) Rein, Rissa, ST
Father: Skule Tostigsønn REIN
Family 1 : Tora Skoftesdatter GISKE
+Guttorm Åsolvsønn REIN
+Sigrid Åsulvsdatter REIN
+NN Åsolvdatter REIN
Kilde: nermo.org
Asulf Skulesson is the son of Skuli Tostesson and Gudrun (?).
Asulf Skulesson lived at Rein
Children of Asulf Skulesson and Thora Skoptisdotter
-1. Guttorm Asulfsson+
-2. Sigrid (?)+
Forrás / Source:
Reference: http://www.lillebye.no/ane12.htm
Snorre Sturlasson: Harald Hardrådes saga, avsnitt 98. C.M. Munthe: Norske slegtsmerker, NST Bind I (1928), side 345. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 834. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 84.
Kilde: nermo.org
Aasulv Skuleson Rein
b. 1090, Rein, Rissa, Sør-Trøndelag
d. 1150, age: 60
ali. Åsulf Skulesson, Skulisson
Tora Skoftesdotter Giske
b. Giske, Ålesund
ali. Thora, Tore
Sigrid Åsulvsdatter Rein <
Ottar Balli Åsulfson
Guttorm Åsulfson for Rein <
Asulf Skulesson.
Vedi padre Skuli "Kongsfostre" TOSTESSON. (.......Carlo Magno).
Leo: Morkinskinna 2000, Cornell University Press.
En omfattende redegørelse for Åsulf Skuleson på Rein ' s aner kan findes på
andre hjemmesider, for eksempel "Our Family" af Bent Schouw.
Bu834 http://www.nermo.org/slekt/d0034/g0000013.html#I1896
- OCCUPATION: Lendermann
- BIRTH: ABT 1075, (Åsulv) Rein, Rissa, ST
Judge, Nobleman
Norges Saga II: s.218.
var lendemann.
Åsolv har utvilsom vært lendermann.
Åsolv har utvilsom vært lendermann.
Åsolv Skulesson på Rein. Han var gift med Tora Skoftesdatter, datter av
Skofte Ogmundsson Giske og hustru Gudrun Tordsdatter, datter av Tord Folesson.
Familien bodde på Rein i Fosen.
[H%C3%A5rfagre og 25 generasjoner frem.FTW]
Åsolv Skulesson på Rein. Han var gift med Tora Skoftesdatter, datter av
Skofte Ogmundsson Giske og hustru Gudrun Tordsdatter, datter av Tord Folesson.
Familien bodde på Rein i Fosen.
Åsulv Skulesson's Timeline
1075 |
Rein, Rissa, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
1114 |
Rein, Rissa, Sor-Trondelag, Norway
1120 |
Rein, Rissa, Sør Trøndelag, Norway
1150 |
Age 75
Rein, Rissa, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
???? |
Rein, Rissa, Sor-Trondelag, Norway
???? |
Sør Trøndelag
???? |