Rehoboth and Providence Carpenter Lineage Cleanup, phase 1 complete (almost!)

Started by Private User on Saturday, August 27, 2011
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Private User
8/27/2011 at 4:10 PM

OK, as part of the Carpenter project, a few of us have gone through and adjusted/modified and correct a whole slew of errors and bad merges on the Rehoboth line. Cleaning up that data ha also helped to clean up the Providence Carpenter's as well, so it's been a two-birds-one-stone kinda thing. All updated profiles have been provided with factual documentation and sources have been added to prove the correct data and lineage.

I can vouch that from William "of Rehoboth" Carpenter William Carpenter, of Rehoboth and all of his immediate children are in fact correct at this point. Only a couple more tweaks are needed and we will be at 100% (or as close as we can get at this point)

The following children are currently listed as belonging to William "of Rehoboth" Carpenter William Carpenter, of Rehoboth , but really should be William "of Providence" Carpenter's William Carpenter, of Providence offspring
Ephraim Carpenter Ephraim Carpenter
Linda Carpenter Lydia Smith

Anna Carpenter Hannah (Carpenter) Carpenter I believe is a soundex error of Hannah, can can probably be deleted/merged with that profile. There are no other profiles (husband or children) related to that profile, so this should be an easy fix.
Abraham Carpenter Abiah Carpenter, well, I don't know where he belongs exactly, sources have proven that there was no Abraham in this family, but I don't know how to correct it. Any ideas?

Once these remaining tweaks have been done, the next step will be to go through the Rehoboth line and document the next generation, cleaning and citing sources as we go. If anyone would like to take a few, please feel free to do so.

Source Data -
All data has relied heavily on the use of source documents written by the genealogist Eugene Cole Zubrinsky ( I also provide for your reference an abbreviated guide to the Rehoboth and Providence Carpenter Lineage below

Rehoboth Carpenters

Children of William2 and Abigail (Briant) Carpenter, i-v baptized at Shalbourne, vii-viii born at Weymouth:
i. John3 Carpenter, bp. 8 Oct. 1626; m. Hannah [Smith?].
ii. Abigail Carpenter, bp. 31 May 1629; m. (1) John Titus, (2) Jonah Palmer Sr.
iii. William Carpenter, bp. 22 Nov. 1631; m. (1) Priscilla Bennett, (2) Miriam Sale.
iv. Joseph Carpenter, bp. 6 April 1634; m. Margaret Sutton.
v. Samuel Carpenter, bp. 1 March 1636[/7], bur. Shalbourne 20 April 1637.
vi. Samuel Carpenter (again), b. ca. 1638; m. Sarah Redway.
vii. Hannah Carpenter, b. 3 2nd mo. [April] 1640; m. Joseph2 Carpenter (see below).
viii. Abiah Carpenter, b. 9 2nd mo. [April] 1643; m. Mary Redway.

Providence Carpenters
Children of William1 and Elizabeth (Arnold) Carpenter, all born in the township of Providence, at least iv-viii (perhaps as many as ii-viii) born at Pawtuxet. For additional information pertaining to children ii-viii, see the William1 Carpenter of Providence sketch, CHILDREN section. The birth order is slightly tentative:
i. Joseph2 Carpenter, b. ca. 1638 (aged 26 in 1664); m. Hannah Carpenter.
ii. Lydia Carpenter, b. say 1640; m. Benjamin Smith.
iii. Ephraim Carpenter, b. say 1642; m. (1) Susannah Harris, (2) Susannah (Wood) England, (3) Lydia _______.
iv. Priscilla Carpenter, b. say 1644; m. William Vincent.
v. Timothy Carpenter, b. say 1646; m. Hannah Burton.
vi. Silas Carpenter (twin?), b. ca. 1650-1651 (aged 24 in 1675); m. Sarah Arnold.
vii. Benjamin Carpenter (twin?), b. say 1650-1652; m. Mary Tillinghast.
viii. William Carpenter, b. probably by 2 Sept. 1653; unmarried.

8/27/2011 at 5:22 PM has Abiah Carpenter listed as baptized with Abiah and Abigail, probably died young ... So I'd leave him.

Did Mary Tillingast really marry Benjamin Carpenter and then Joseph Carpenter? Were they brothers? That doesn't sound like Puritans. Could it have been a different family of Carpenters?

Mary Carpenter

Private User
8/27/2011 at 6:08 PM

BTW, I need a **curator** to do the following as I don't have the right permissions. Sorry I wasn't clear in my post above:

The following children are currently listed as belonging to William "of Rehoboth" Carpenter William "of Rehoboth" Carpenter , but really should be William "of Providence" Carpenter's William "of Providence" Carpenter offspring
Ephraim Carpenter Ephraim Carpenter
Linda Carpenter Lydia Carpenter

Anna Carpenter Anna Carpenter I believe is a soundex error of Hannah, can can probably be deleted/merged with that profile. There are no other profiles (husband or children) related to that profile, so this should be an easy fix.

Private User
8/27/2011 at 6:20 PM

On Mary Tillinghast, I'm not sure, I'll have to do some more research. I've not found any sources to indicate that she married two Carpenter's, only the speculation based on grave markers from the site listed below

The findagrave website (
states (without giving credible references)
*Joseph is on record as having married a "Mrs. Mary Carpenter" on 23 Feb 1681. This type of reference usually implies marriage to a widow. The only other Carpenter interred in this cemetery is Mary Tillinghast Carpenter, wife of Benjamin Carpenter. It is possible that she is also 2nd wife to Joseph. To add to the confusion, the death date given in most records for Benjamin Carpenter is the same as Mary. If Mary Tillinghast is the wife of Joseph, Benjamin must have died before 1681. The Children listed above are those of Joseph and "Mrs. Mary Carpenter". Mary Tillinghast Carpenter's children with Benjamin are listed with her memorial. "

8/27/2011 at 6:22 PM

still havn't found out if my caleb carpenter is related to this project

8/28/2011 at 3:06 PM

Ephraim Carpenter aligned to correct parents. Please check details.

8/28/2011 at 3:23 PM

Lydia Smith aligned to correct parents.

This was easier for me to do, as Private User had made a correct profile on the correct parents. I merged in the incorrect Lydia and removed the connection from Abigail Briant & William "of Rehobeth" Carpenter.

There are several techniques available. Dragging and dropping in tree view would have worked also.

8/28/2011 at 3:29 PM

Hannah (Carpenter) Carpenter merged to Anna Carpenter with the name Anna added to the also known as field.

Private User
8/28/2011 at 3:30 PM

yep, Ephraim Carpenter and Lydia Smith are now aligned with the correct Carpenter families. Thanks Erica Howton!!

8/28/2011 at 4:38 PM

I am enjoying this Carpenter project, Joe, and I expect to find new ancestors as a result.

I just ran across what one family researcher did, trying to keep all the Joe Carpenters figured out:

(I have used his mother's maiden name of "Coles" with Joseph Carpenter, simply to keep all the Joseph's in this family straight. It has confused many people and so it is not a good idea to do this. (BBT)

So I may chase the trail down South.

8/28/2011 at 4:42 PM

I can add to that project my carpenters after 1769 at some point let me know..

Private User
8/28/2011 at 5:09 PM

@michael - Feel free to add to the tree as you find information. When and if at all possible, please try to add sources as you go. It is proving to be extremely helpful in validating the correct information.

A couple of great sources of Carpenter information can be found here:

Authoritative William Carpenter Immigrant Sketches

Carpenter & related names Family discussion Group on Roots web – free Surname and Family email list -

Carpenter-L Archives – past messages -

There is also a Carpenter DVD that has documents and tons of research. The Carpenters’ Encyclopedia of Carpenters 2009 that you can order from John Carpenter (I think it is like $12-$15).

Lastly, if you are into geekery, checkout hte Carpenter Cousins DNA project. Good stuff in there, but is somewhat technical!

8/28/2011 at 5:27 PM

if and some day when they don't make this place such a hassle and make pro mode cheaper i might

8/28/2011 at 6:02 PM

Private User Erica Howton added a new document to the project carpenter family linking my 3rd great grandma martha m

8/28/2011 at 6:15 PM


8/28/2011 at 7:44 PM

just posted it feel free to check it out comment etc etc

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