Public profiles are now editable by all Pro users.

Started by Randy Stebbing on Thursday, June 23, 2011
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Profiles Mentioned:

Showing 31-60 of 190 posts

Private User - Dude, we're 15th cousins through the Cotton brothers (early 1500s, London)! Now, how would we have ever figured that out if not for Geni's open architecture? How cool is that! ;)

@randy I just don't want to even deal with the possibility. I've already been annoyed that curators merge profiles of mine before I even had the chance to look at a proposed merge. I can't imagine the general user base will be any better. Not to mention I don't trust geni to let me know if an edit has been made on a profile I manage. I might trust geni if they had solicited feedback ahead of time, but they did not.

Jennifer, I love the collaborative model. I just want to have some control over who I collaborate with. Right now I have no way to block misguided people. And I have no way to know if people are editing my profiles short of checking them individually.

yes you can philip, put "follow" on them and you will be informed of edits

I have several thousand managed profiles and no easy way to follow the ones I don't already or even to tell which ones I follow and which ones I do not.

Okay, I get that... but it's no harder to check each one's Follow-status as it is to go in and make each one private...

Philip! Please forgive me for saying so, but you sound like me when I'm just feeling frustrated and fed-up - after awhile I start looking for reasons to say no instead of yes! ;)

I have to remind myself that it's just so human to feel that way - but in the end, it doesn't help me. Saying yes (trusting) usually works better for me. Of course, as always, YMMV!

Please don't insult me with the psychoanalysis.

And no, it's much easier to find the public profiles and make them private. Pull up lists, switch to "managed by me" and filter on status = public, then start clicking on "make profile private". Even then it took me 30 minutes to go through 63 pages of profiles and make 200 of them private.

There is no way to filter on "followed status" and there is no way to follow/unfollow a profile from the list. You have to open and close every profile to see and edit the follow status.

Oh, my gosh, I'm sorry - no insult intended! My best wishes to you and I hope that you find a solution that works for you, whatever it is.

Angus, thank you. As I understand you, if I want to collaborate with you on one of your profiles, I have to go to YOUR profile to make that request. I no longer do it from the profile on which I want to collaborate. Further, the profile name and ID on which I wish to collaborate is no longer automatically included in that message to you. Therefore, to explain my request to collaborate, I have to manually include this information in my request to you. That's quite an improvement. Thank you, Geni.

As I said before, THIS IS A HUGE MISTAKE.

A cousin has noticed that burial location, cause of death and relationships are locked. Are those locked for editing, does anyone know? I know relationships are locked. The profiles in question are from the 1600s.

John Tripp, of Portsmouth, Rhode Island This is one of the profiles in question. I don't see any locks but I'm a curator. It's public and from the 1600s.

I like being able to edit public profiles but don't understand WHY the fields that are blocked are: 1) relationship, 2.) cause of death, and 3.) place of burial.....why doesn't the profile just say: Blocked by curator" and be done with it.....

Sorry to sound so confused but I have, since VERY soon after starting manually downloading my material...been a stickler for designating the order of also, NOW, cuts down hugely on the 'tree matches' that pop up......and don't uderstand WHY this field would be locked out.

I have been encountering the locks lately....and even sent the URL to a curator...who CAN'T see the block....

Is there any reason THESE fields are locked? Can edit where and when died but not cause and burial???

Fay can you post a URL to one the profiles that has that lock

Angus, John Tripp, of Portsmouth, Rhode Island shows a lock icon on the cause of death and burial location fields when you go into it for editing...

Ok we are not seeing that
Mike Stangel Mike are you seeing what the Users are seeing?

Looks like a bug to me.. I'm having someone look into it.

Mike Stangel Thanks!

I see, the problem is that he's no longer a Master Profile. We intended locked fields to be only on MPs, so for now Angus I would recommend that you MP him and remove the locks, then de-MP him. We'll get the bug fixed for our next release.

Angus or Hatte :)

Okay. Does this mean he was an MP. Hmmm. It's both him and his wife.

Angus Wood-Salomon Thanks! You're quick.

Looks like Hatte did it..

Mike anymore like this do you think?

Hshahaha I thought you did something Hatte
I still do not see any you Hatte?

Okay, I'm confused. When I go in to the MPs for John Tripp and his wife which Angus so graciously mastered, I see that nothing is locked. Furthermore, the fields that Fay mentioned as having been locked are the fields which cannot be locked.

I did hunt zombies around John Tripp first then when Fay and I started talking. I didn't unlock anything and this user only joined May 27, 2011.

Private User Still seeing locks??

Would a non-curator pro see what it looks like to them now?

I suspect that there will be more like this. It has to be a bug.
This is what I see when I Master the profile and go into edit.

No locks are locked

Angus, when I click on your link, see across from all fields a little box; to the right of that, see what looks like tea bag except for all but the Fields they say are locked (plus Display Name). Is this what you are seeing? (Cannot see enough to tell what the "tea bags" are -- are they locks?)

When they un-MP a profile - do they remove all locks -- or switch lock-status on the Fields -- which would result in those Fields that hadn't been locked becoming locked, those that were locked becoming unlocked?

Angus, they're still there...

Showing 31-60 of 190 posts

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