Yeah thank you for fixing !And sorry it will happen again and again. I'm rather ....... with this kind of stuff....
So you have to come in action some more times :-)
Or I add nothing? ;-)
Yes she was a great great actress and I found her beautiful, not Hollywood or Loren beautifull but as Simone Signoret. Do you know her too? Great French actress untill high age and beautiful too at high age.
We have a "great authors" project and several others which are related.
Ooo here's a new one I must join~!
Yes I've got one more: Michelle Mercier from the Angelique films,
All my brothers and later on boyfriends were in love with her....
For me Count Jeffrey de Peyrac.... handsome, dark, a bit scary....
Mmm a count must be family....... ;-)
Cannot we start famous actors? I'n inspired by Robbert Hossein
Kwame, again work for you! :-)