In my parents first NYC apartment in a building on Central Park West at about 103rd Street , was a Zerner family. The family consisted of father and moterh, and two daughters named Irene and Marianne. I remember that the Zerners were concerned that my mother was a "nazi" becuase she was very fair and spoke mostly German to me. After all of that was straigtened out by Mr. Zerner, we bacme friends.
Irene Zerner and her sister Marianne eventually lived together in a house on Kessel Street in Forest Hills. Irene was a dress designer, specializing in wedding dresses, and Marianne was Professor of German at Queens College, City University of New York. Neither sister was married, and there were no children. Marianne was my first German professor, when I attended Queens College.
I am wondering whether this Zerner family is related to the ones in the family tree.
Marianne Zerner is your second great aunt's aunt's husband's first cousin once removed.
You → Barbara Schoenberg (Zeisl)
your mother → Erich Zeisl
her father → Kamilla Zeisl (Feitler)
his mother → Isador Feitler
her brother → Margarethe Grete Feitler (Duschak)
his wife → Olga Duschak (Kartschmaroff)
her mother → Ida Zerner (Kártschmároff)
her sister → Adolf Zerner
her husband → Anna Zerner (Kellner)
his mother → Regine Rösi Zerner (Kellner)
her sister → Ignatz Ignaz Zerner
her son → Marianne Zerner
his daughter