Profiles removed from Project

Started by Erica Howton on Monday, May 30, 2011
Problem with this page?


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Please note this project is for Mayflower passengers.

It is NOT for descendants, including movie stars. Please make their own projects or use one of the family projects (i.e., descendants of Stephen Hopkins, Mayflower passengers).

I have removed everyone NOT a Mayflower 1621 passenger, or their immediate family, from this project.

Many thanks.

Jeg kan kun læse dansk !!!!!!!!

Jamen, hvorfior foelger du dette stamtavle projekt paa engelsk?

Bemærk venligst, dette projekt er for Mayflower passagerer.

Det er IKKE for efterkommere, herunder filmstjerner. Vær venlig at gøre deres egne projekter, eller bruge en af familiens projekter (dvs. efterkommere af Stephen Hopkins, Mayflower passagerer).

Jeg har fjernet alle IKKE en Mayflower 1621 passager, eller deres nærmeste familie, fra dette projekt.

Mange tak.


I wonder why there are 4997 people following this project? Are there a lot of people who did not hit "Follow" who are receiving notifications and discussions about this project? I'm wondering if there is some bug involved. In March and again this week, it seems like a lot of people who have no interest in the Mayflower Passengers are complaining about getting notification.

@ Erica Howton: I have been on this site for x2 yrs. and my friend had put me on this site. My mother is a descendant of the "Rose" which followed the Mayflower, so everyone on my site is a descendant from the Mayflower project with the exception of my stepmother.

Linda B. Donahue

That's amazing when you think about it, isn't it.

I'm glad to geni-meet you.

Please note I'm referring to the "geni profiles" IN the project.

Everyone is welcome to "follow."

You're even welcome to contribute, discuss, join in, add resource links, improve ... The more the merrier on those issues!

Linda B. Donahue

Are you referring to the Great Migration Ship, "The Rose of Yarmouth, 1637" that traveled with "The John and Dorothy, 1637" ?

We haven't created a Geni Project for those passenger geni-profiles yet. If I got the ships right and you're interested in it, let's get a project going.

my name is ronald kirklen i am getting this site from you and not sure how that happen, i have my family tree here on geni and not sure why you are on my page. if you could take me off your list so i don't get your messages. thank you very much.

Not for descendants? Does not make a lot of sense. What is the point of it if it does not include descendants? It is the object of this site for such activity. There are already lots of sites which contain the passengers. If descendants are not included, then may as well delete the whole project.

ronald allen kirklen just hit the unfollow at the top of the page.

Trent Creekmore this project is called "PASSENGERS"....if you would like to create a project for descendants of all passengers, please go ahead...anyone can create a project for any group they want to gather together! There are already projects created for many of the passengers families (John Alden, Myles Standish, Brewsters, etc.)...that non-passenger profiles can be added to.

Wouldn't about 1/3 of Americans be a descendant of at least one person on the Mayflower? I just made that number up but I bet you it is a huge number of people.

You could always make a "Descendants of Mayflower Passengers" project.

There seems to be a problem that people are getting notifications and discussions from this project for no reason. We have let Geni management know there is a problem. I saw this problem in March and again this week.

If you look at "Related Projects" along the right hand side, you'll see projects devoted to descendants of specific Mayflower passengers. For instance, I belong to the Edward Fuller one.

I am a descendant of several of the passengers and would be glad to help anyone who wants to start a project for descendants of their ancestor, e.g., Thomas Rogers, John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley.

You can it, California Surfers, or whatever you want, but that does not make it any differenent that this the purpose of this site of for genealogy, not a place to post lists of ship passengers.

There are 1 billion other sites deciated to the same purpose you are claiming.

Trent...projects are simply an enhancement to Geni allowing many profiles that have something in common to be gathered together. No one is claiming to make a new passenger list.

Perhaps you should review what projects at Geni are all about, then you can freely make your own project with your own criteria, just as Erica did when she created the PASSENGERS project.

I like being able to go to the Mayflower Project and click on the profile of a passenger and see if I am related and if the passenger turns out to be an ancestor, then I go and explore the entire tree. You're right that not ALL projects are entirely genealogy focused but in fact many of them are. From having regional projects about the early settlers of a town, we discover that they all came from the same region, that they intermarried and suddenly we discover more ancestors that we were unaware of.

Projects are as Anita said an enhancement and there are several reasons to create a project, valid reasons that support genealogy and the dance between genealogy, history, and even several of the social sciences (linguistics, sociology, anthropology). What is genealogy if not the story of a family IN CONTEXT?

I discover important facts about my family when I know that my ancestors came on the same ship with family X, from the same geographic region, that they intermarried prior to leaving England with families on that ship, that they were led by Minister so-and-so, and that the passengers first ended up living in town such-and-such and that one group broke off and then founded another town.

I do not under stand! What good is a Mayflower passengers list! That was made in 1620! What we need is for descendants, including movie stars.

The other purpose of projects is to include profiles of people that are duplicate. Say if someone traces his lineage back to a Mayflower passenger, they can add that profile to the group and the collaborators can merge the profile with the appropriate passenger. As stated before, there are other projects for each individual passenger's descendants. This one is only for profiles of the passengers themselves.

@Erica Howton: I am glad that you are taking care of this project. Like
others I have my own list on Geni. I simply clicked "follow" to read the
info as it appears. I have known for years (from my grandmother)
that we were related to the Talleys and have even visited Plymouth
Rock just to get to see that list of brave people. I agree that this
project does not need to list descendants. It becomes cluttered.
You certainly have my approval. Rhonda Russell

@Erica Howton: sorry for the error, I meant to type Tilley !

Private User

Many thanks and everyone is certainly welcome to "follow" the project. But at this point there should be no need for more profiles added.

To expand a little and explain the history here.

- The Mayflower Passenger project was one of the first Geni Projects created. Essentially it was a Proof of Concept project and clean up / merge project.

- When we started - John Alden alone had over 200 separate profiles. Now we have a single Master Profile, well looked after by a direct descendant. We have sorted out his family tree and validated his ancestry (there *had* been conflicting stories about it) ... that was *all* because of this project.

So for that reason alone this Project had proven extremely useful.

- When we started - we had over 200 separate profiles with conflicting information for Mayflower (and Sea Venture) passenger Stephen Hopkins. Now we have sorted out his actually quite complicated pedigree, including the latest research from Mayflower specialist Caleb Johnson, and disambiguated his extensive descendants. Again, a "success" story.

- If your Mayflower ancestor does not currently have a descendant Project, please feel free to start one. I (and other curators) are available to help you with it.

- I certainly want to see, for instance, Ashley Judd's profile in the "Brewster Family" project! That way I can see how I'm related to her. :) n.b. I'm also of the Brewster family but "higher up" the tree, as it turns out ... which I never would have known without the Mayflower Project.

So these are some of the ways this Project is still useful for us all.

Erica, my apologies if I've overlooked this, but what's your working definition for "immediate family"? I see profiles listed of people who were born in the late 1700s, so they can't be children of passengers.

Thanks for all of your work with this and for keeping things tidy. :)


PLEASE help with the profile cleanup and re-distribution to "descendant of ..." projects. That would be wonderful.


"working definition" of immediate family *was* parents, children, spouses. We needed that at the time of Project creation.

HOWEVER at this point -- and because we now have the descendant projects -- let's confine to "Mayflower" passengers and their spouses only.

Sound like a plan?

@Erica: Thanks for all of you great info to me. I am very new to Geni. I
simply started with me and worked backwards, but I have two very
complete written trees from my Grandmother. All of a sudden I started
receiving info where my tree corresponded with others. It has been
informative, sometimes confusing, but fun. I may do some more
following related to Elizabeth Tilley because of the relationship to
them. It seems with the help of this project and Geni I am in fact
related to Governor Bradford. I think that is great. Thank you for
taking the time to respond to my comment. You obviously know
what you are doing and that is most helpful.

Rhonda Russell

Private User

Very glad to have you (and your good information) on board the site. Please let me or any curator know if you have any troubles navigating the site or integrating your information with the existing profiles. Look for the Master Profile mark -- that is the one single validated sourced documented copy we are trying to get "as good as possible." Documentation and sourcing is the big push now -- and stopping new duplicates. :)

i am a direct relative of Capt. JOHN SMITH the founder of Jamrstown.Va.Keep me in the project.Thanks!

i am a direct relative of Capt. JOHN SMITH the founder of Jamrstown.Va.Keep me in the project.Thanks!

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