Is was just by coincidence that i found this project, for I'm always curious to have examples from other people how to deal with things in life. So I thought this was a project to find women who had relation in one way or the other with revolution. Here in Europe lots of people of my age -I was born in 1951, just after my father came back from Sumatra, where he had to guide a big bataljon GENIE-soldiers- have parents who never told one single word about what happened during those days from 1940 till 1950 and after that everyone was busy trying to get a new life again. Now most of that generation is not in this world anylonger and a lot of daughters and sons are full with questions never to be answered. In that respect I tried to visit the DAR-website, but that gives only an explanation when you have enough time to study a book....
So I looked for the profiles attached, but that was not informative either, for I only found some women in a big list of men: Elizabeth Whitehead, Mary Molly Harding, Jane van Cleve~Cleave an a Valentine Ault jr. So, what is the purpose of this project? Thank you for taking your time to answer, for I think it might be an example of how to cope with things here, Asia or Afrika after all those revolutions there, but I'm not sure of my interpretation. groetUnu, jMu.