Please use this letter to the manager of a profile that you are adding to the project. (Based on a letter composed by Sharon Doubel for the Famous SA Project - thanks Sharon!)
We’ve added this profile which you manage to the Mulder-Müller-Muller-Möller-settlers-in-South-Africa Project Page.üller-Muller-Möller-settlers-i...
If you would like to collaborate with us on this project please let us know and we will add you.
Ons het die profiel wat u bestuur, ingelas by die Mulder-Müller-Muller-Möller-settlers-in-South-Africa Project Page:üller-Muller-Möller-settlers-i...
Indien u wil saamwerk op hierdie interessante projek oor bekende Suid Afrikaners, kontak ons gerus, ons sal u byvoeg.