Remedial help for the Wiki impaired please.
In my project on the Margolis - Frankel family, I want to link to a profile on Geni Chaim Margolis-Kalwaryski
and rename the link "Haim Margolis-Kalwaryiski".
I know that this is called "piping" and I know that the syntax has been explained to me once. I have several books in front of me on Wikis and for the life of me I cannot get this to work. Without it I can't really make a nice Project Wiki, so can you take the above example and show me EXACTLY what I have to type?
"Wiki Impaired"
What you want is this format: [url description] -- where "url" is the http://... address of the profile, and "description" is "Haim Margolis-Kalwaryiski" -- the url and the description are separated by a space, and the whole business is surrounded by square brackets. Be sure to NOT put spaces in front of it, or the wiki formatter will think that you're trying to preformat the text.
Here's my current wish list for potential items to be added in a future release of enhanced wiki formatting for projects, profiles, and even discussion pages:)
1) Tags for atuo table of contents based on =Header= text (ie a toc tag)
2) Horizontal ruled line ----
3) Project discussion topics that can respect preformatted or "code" syntax would be very helpful in the geni api project discussions.
4) Multi column tables with header rows for the collumns like the following:
|| Column 1 || Column 2 || Column 3||
5) Ability to have table data that is sorted automatically alphabetically by a designated column number.
6) Ability to use file:// links to add images to project pages.
there IS a Geni-Wiki, link at the bottom of every page... http://wiki.geni.com/index.php/Main_Page
Wiki formatting (Bold, Italic) used in "About" part of profile is displayed wrongly here: http://www.geni.com/popular where in short overviews they are just like quotes...
I would like to add to Lauri Kreen's
The same problem appears with flipping nodes in tree view. The text entered in Wiki mode loses it's formatting and is just plain text.
An additional problem with Wiki formating appears when you post a link in the About field. Earlier clicking on the link triggered a new tab to open.
Now it behaves according to the formating:
1. While in Wiki format, the clicking on the link opens it in the same window.
2. While in plain text mode the new tab will open.
This is not a tragedy, just a little kink in UI, but it would be wise to address this issue as well.
Mike Stangel there is another annoyance which is not connected to Wikiformatting, but let me address it here.
In the Merge center there is a column "Tree Conflicts".
It should be considered to be a good cause to occasionally dabble there as well. Indeed these merges are there for a reason - they need a helping hand.
Unfortunately while visiting those problematic merges just to have an overview, your name will be connected to them even if you do nothing.
Just pressing the yellow triangle triggers your name to be attached to whatever problem somebody has arranged as "Updated by ..."
There are plenty of reasons to do nothing when you cannot help solving the problem, but it is not nice to get the stigma of being part of generating the problem you were never connected with.
Please mark us as updaters just and only when we really push the "Merge duplicates" button or "assign parents" link, and not when we push "Cancel" or just go back to the previous page.
Mike Stangel
Here is similar case mentioned:
+ also my post later.
Inside the edit profile changing nothing, but re-saving shall not create any revision as nothing inside it was changed.