Geni recently released the surname pages (
One large issue that faces us in the tree is the variations of surnames on profiles. It has often been requested by users that we have "alternate" surname entries. As of now, we end up with all kinds of ways to display the name to account for the different spellings.
I'd like to make a suggestion that variations of a surname could be tied into the surname page. Geni could add some way to link variations of the surnames through these pages. Geni could then use this information as part of their tree as variations for a surname. Then it's just a matter of picking the primary surname for the profile.
Of course, I still think they should have an entry for "dit" names and variations of the first name, but in any case, it sounded like an interesting idea since alternates for a surname would not be profile specific (and the work involved there), but global, with the primary variation being profile specific.