Mike I noticed this since last night..I usually do a lot of work in early morning, 12 am to 3 am (keeping Brox company, that's a joke Brox..lol) and last night it was very very slow on my merges, on numerous occasions I was getting 'We Are Experiencing Difficulties"
Again this morning it continued and this afternoon the same thing, I just gave up with frustration and went to sleep.
Last night from 10 pm to 8 am I was at my mom's, today from 8am until I wrote I was at my home her connection is 5Mbps (Download)
At my Home my Internet connection is 15Mbps (Download) so it isn't my connection..
My old nemesis is back, I just started working at some merges and first one i did look what I got..
Private User
Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן
Brox Shmuel are either one of you encountering this??
That specific error in your screenshot has been there some weeks, - I just have not reported it myself because I was sure that they have received hundreds of them already.
To describe it simple (?), if you merge profiles A+B with the focus on A, and the merge cause B to become the main profile: If the merge results in getting into the data resolve window the next thing Geni tries to when resolved is to try to return to profile A which does not exist anymore and you get a technical error.
Angus the exception you saw around 8pm (our time) last night was a timeout. Here's what's going on: the data conflict table will now show you source citations for rows that are in conflict, and that same table is consulted when trying to determine whether to show the "Resolve conflicting data" menu action item on the merged profile.
We need to make two fixes:
1. Don't consult the sources when simply deciding whether or not "Resolve conflicting data" needs to show up on the profile menu
2. Improve the performance of pulling up source citations relevant to data conflicts.
I've already created a bug ticket for #1 -- #2 is a bit more involved, and will take some time.
Nope, - the screenshot shows that he had successfully made a data resolve ("Your changes have been saved"), and not in the opening of the data resolve window.
If you in the tree-view have the focus on profile A and hit a blue (+) on it to finalize a merge and the result is that A get merged into B, replacing A in the tree-view the next step which is returning to the tree-view will end up in the error. If you drop data resolving the automatic return to the tree will result on getting a focus on a green no-gender profile, which technically the remains of the node A as a data conflict is.
Brox you said "If you in the tree-view have the focus on profile A and hit a blue (+) on it to finalize a merge
and the result is that A get merged into B, replacing A in the tree-view
the next step which is returning to the tree-view will end up in the error.
If you drop data resolving the automatic return to the tree will result on getting a focus on a green no-gender profile, which technically the remains of the node A as a data conflict is.""
Ok so correct me if I am wrong you are saying when I am in Tree view focused on A then I see a Yellow Triangle on a spouse B, I then click on the + on the node of B, I then try doing some merging in there
Are you saying this is where I get the Technical Difficulties error occurs because that seems to be where it does.
If so should I open a new tab for each node I want to look at?
I still dont know where this No-Gender profile occurs though!!
Ok i went here
I click on Robert (2) Boynton (1460-1526) so it will open in a NEW tab.
Up pops the Technical Difficulties Error..
Brox, I'm looking at the exception stack trace and you're not. :-)
Angus, I get the same timeout on Robert Boynton -- I'll get it fixed as soon as I can but I've got a lot on my plate right now.
Okay the problem is this document, which has over 15,000 people tagged in it: http://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000009474932541
I'm getting confirmation that it's okay for me to remove the tags.
That is no Holy GEDCOM upload, this is:
Yes, I am experiencing very slow load times as well. I believe this is probably because Geni is still working on getting all of the data back into its correct form. We should be grateful we have access at all. I am sure it would be much easier for them to disable all access and perform all the corrections with the site offline!
Mike Stangel
Any Idea when picture and source tags will be back? (and some missing about me's)?
ps Everything seems to be working good today.
Mike Stangel It is taking a minimum of 30 seconds to get any response from Geni, Longer if multiple pages have to be loaded Also many "we are having technical difficulties" error messages.