Okay, this is the big public announcement...
I've finally completed what I consider to be the top of my family tree, the Amal Clan of the Goths and the Ostrogoths. The Amal were the so-called "Royal Family" of the Ostrogoths, starting with King Ostrogotha and King Airmanareiks (Ermanarich, Ermanaric, Jormunrek, etc.), and continuing through (intermittently) to King Walamar, Vidimar, Theodimir, Theoderic the Great, etc. Their earliest known progenitor is Gapt, who was mentioned by Jordanes and Cassiodorus, the first great historians of the Goths (from the 6th century).
To the best of my knowledge, if you are a descendant of Charlemagne's wife, Hildegard of Vinzgouw, Gapt is probably her earliest known ancestor (albeit considered "legendary" as he is not backed by a contemporary documented source - he's backed by what appears to have been some sort of oral tradition documented about 500 years after his lifetime in Jordanes' Getica). He was born near the Baltic Sea in present Poland about the time of Christ's crucifixion.
These profiles all have their own master pages now (many thanks to both curators Justin Swanström and Erica Isabel Howton). Please feel free to browse through. If you have additional SOURCED information, I'd welcome you to include it in the About Me section. I'll be monitoring ("Following") them, of course, preventing "unsourced" attempts to "Vandalize" them.
(By the way Jadranka, I do appreciate the humor - very nice touch; but, in case the changes you attempted were intended to be serious, the only member I know of the Amals to actually join with the Vandals was Amalafreda, Vandalarius' granddaughter - for most of their early history, the Goths and the Vandals were apparently enemies.)
Anyway, these are the profiles that have been recently "Master Profiled" (plus one that Henn Sarv got to much earlier). Much work still to be done in cleaning up the mess at the base of this branch, but hopefully the Amals being established will help us all in getting closer to fixing up this area of the tree.
Progenitors of the Amals:
Gapt, Progenitor of the Amals
Hulmul, Progenitor of the Amals
Augis, Progenitor of the Amals
Amal "The Fortunate"
Early Amals:
Hisarnis "Man of Iron" of the Amal Clan
Ostrogotha "the Patient", King of the Goths
Hunuil of the Goths
Athal "the Mild" of the Greuthungi
Odwulf of the Greunthungi
Achiulf of the Greuthungi
Ansila of the Greuthungi
Ediulf of the Greuthungi
Airmanareiks-Eutharic line:
Airmanareiks, King of the Goths
Hunimund "the Beautiful" of the Ostrogoths
Thorismund "The Chaste" of the Ostrogoths
Berimud, Counselor to Theodorid I of the Visigoths
Wideric, Exiled King of the Ostrogoths
Flavius Eutharicus Cilliga, Consul of Rome
Vultwulf-Amalasuentha line
Vultwulf, Prince of the Greuthungi
Vinitharius "the Just", Warlord of the Ostrogoths
King Walamir of the Ostrogoths
King Vidimir of the Ostrogoths
Vidimir the Younger
Theodomir, king of the Ostrogoths
N.N. Queen of the Ostrogoths
Ereleuva, concubine of Theodimir
Theodoric "the Great," king of the Ostrogoths
Audofledis "Blanchefleur" of the Salian Franks, Princess Of France
Amalasuintha of the Ostrogoths
Traguilla (Slave, alleged lover of Amalasuintha)
Amalafreda, Queen of the Vandals
(MP'ed by Henn Sarv on 21 September)
Thrasamund, king of the Vandals
Okay, back to work on my earlier projects... -Ben M. Angel