Notable Ancestors

Started by Desiree "Dez" Stratford on Tuesday, November 2, 2010
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I am working on a family project to show how my generation of my large family who we are direct descendants of. Kind of a family reunion at Thanksgiving thing. I have gotten some great response so far. One ancestor is @Lady Godiva of Coventry for example. What I am looking for is some ideas of interesting notable ancestors to look up the relation. I have both Nefertiti and Cleopatra too. A few years ago, I would never have guessed! Shoot me some ancestors names and I'll look up to find my relation and you know, maybe others can start their own projects too. My kids in School remember historical events because I have shown them how they are connected.
Thanks in advance for your time!

like this?

Alexander the Great is your 69th great grandfather. Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia

Cleopatra VII "Philopator", Pharao of Egypt is your 59th great grandmother.
Cleopatra VII Philopator, Pharaoh of Egypt

Karl Marx is your 80th cousin four times removed.Karl Marx

Pharaoh Tutankhamen of Egypt is your 100th great uncle.Tutankhamun, Pharaoh of Egypt

Tutankhamen is your 15th cousin 48 times removed.Unknown Profile

r these two profiles different person?

yea, i just realised :)

I found some profiles like William Longsword, Duke of Normandy who I am related through all 4 of my grandparents. I found the relationship was shorter with my father's side than my mother's.
I definitely added Cleopatra and Mark Antony. When my youngest sister married, her new father-in-law (an attorney) mentioned them as great lovers of history in a speech. I was pleased to tell him later at the reception that we were indeed directly descended from them. He looked a little surprised, as that were not possible.
Bjorn, I'll check out the popular list.
I have a unique family where two brothers married two sisters and each family had 13 children. I am writing this for all of us, but not just for my immediate family, but for everyone. I am planning on reading and giving copies out at Thanksgiving.
I have really enjoyed the collaboration process (as difficult and painful as it is at times) and all my distant cousins (whether we know of our relation or not) helping me realize this achievement AND enriching my writing.
(passing out gold stars) You all deserve these! ha ha
Thanks again for your time and suggestions!

I also started one that showcased the signers of the Declaration of Independence. I'll add some famous folks too like Gary Sinese from Forrest Gump etc. (he's my cousin's wife's cousin) The degrees of separation are narrowing.

I am adding some interesting cousin to the list. I think when we add this information like movie stars, musicians etc, I'm inviting the interest of the younger generation 25 and younger to the big tree. I looked up Billy the Kid I should find Jesse James too! Bjorn, thank you for the popular list, it has really helped my search. I am still creating the list in case there are any more suggestions.
Thanks for all your suggestions so far.
PS. Would any of my collaborators mind if I used your name, location and relation to illustrate how we are working together for this purpose? New idea...

You have my permission to use my name, location and common ancestor

Hannah Ross

(today it's 10th cousins? weren't we further out???)

with a caveat -- share your Project with me when done!

What kind of music are your younger relatives into? You could show how they are related to various artists. I just looked an Eminem is my 18th cousin twice removed :)

Hey everyone! I'm starting on a project that will combine photography and documentary work. I need to hear from women who are GG daughters of Cleopatra VII.

People can respond here and email me at

I'm on the internet movie database as Sheila A House. (

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