I need a little help with this

Started by Marvin Caulk, (C) on Thursday, October 28, 2010
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IFor all of you that followed the croosed out me discusion, I have a tech waiting for input and I could use your help.
I hid the crossed out me's to good from myself. To fix it I need to give them a URL of one of the offending files.

You are looking for a file that has my name crossed out

We already found on with my name selt Marvin George Caulk

I need examples of my name spelt Marvin Caulk (crossed out of course)

and one spelt marvin caulk (small letters, crossed out of course)

He informed me that the first name was alreasy merged with 38,211 files so the other 2 I'm sure are also imbetted but can not be merged (messing everyone up)

Post the URL here so evreryone knows it was found.

I know hey keep getting in peoples way so your help wil be of benifit to all


Four duplicates of queen Sonja: Queen Sonja of Norway, Unknown Profile, Unknown Profile, Unknown Profile

Ok, it looks like we have them all identified. The Tech has them all under the same name (still different profiles tho). I still do not have control of them, but I emailed him personaly with the info. Hopefully we'll get them under control soon.

Every things fine now


Do you feel more integrated now? :)

Well, I ended up with 30000+ names that I didn't before, and my famy tree matches "broke" (will fix itself tomarrow), and I've been merging all day (tree conflicts), but at least I can do something with the profiles. I know other people like it 'cause I've already started getting merge requests on the files. When the matches start showing in the tree matches, it could get buzy for a while. Integrated? I don't think that's the word for it. To bad it took so long.
I'm not sure how I ended up with four sets of extra files, my guess at the most would have been 8000 at the very most. And some of the files, well they may be related, but I have no idea were they came from.
Why try to explain it. At least now people can get them "out of thier way" and I can do what I wanted to do.
Am I the only one this has ever happened to?

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