Hi Ilana, My name is Josh Gallant. My maternal Grandmothers maiden name is Claire Diamant. She was born in 1903 (I think) in San Francisco. I have a letter written by her that outlines how her ( and my grandfathers) family got to the US. I'd be happy to share it with you if you are interested and if you think it may close some gaps in your family history. Thank you, Josh Gallant. Phillipsburg, NJ
Private User, please let me know if you find Jozsef Diamant - siblings or ancestors.
Joshua David Gallant - any chance your Diamant names also exist on our old Diamant web page?
Private User - I am also stuck with 1 of my Diamant ancestors, not knowing her siblings, parents: Charlotte Scheindel Friedmann
Charlotte "Scheindel" (nee Diamant) Friedmann (abt 1793 - 3/29/1867 Budapest bur. old Jewish cemetery on Waitzner strasse, exhumed and reburied in Rákoskeresztúr (=Budapest-XVII) cemetery loc. 19/19/2 next to her son Ignaz
*perhaps 1 day something will show up for both of us :)