I hope a curator or anyone familiar with the Stewart line can sort out this cross-generational entanglement: http://www.geni.com/merge/compare/6000000000307262542?return=contin...
If you expand the Sister Of section on the profile on the left, you'll see that her brother (Sir John Stewart 2nd Earl of Atholl) is the father of the profile on the right. Which is correct? We should be able split the incorrect relation.
Thank You Gene and Ann for taking the time on Joan de la Warre.
I seem to be jumping around trying to deal with a lot of profiles that have been miss merged, it gets some what confusing and I am not sure if I am getting back to the one I started sorting out.
There seems to be a rash of bad merges, I hope they start locking profiles, so just one person can do the merges.
Does anyone have an opinion about William le Scrope's father?
William le Scrope, of Bolton
In the big tree we have his father as William le Scrope, this the same as thepeerage.com
But, Medlands has his father as Henry, which is his grandfather in thepeerage.
http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISHNOBILITYMEDIEVAL3P-S.htm#_To... (a little bit past the middle of the document)
Any suggestions?
@Ric Dickinson re. William le Scrope. First, thank you for your question and for providing great links to all the relevant sites. After looking at all of these, my judgment is to trust the MedLands and go with Henry and Juliana as his parents. The only source given for the Peerage.com insertion of this additional generation of William (with no dates, no wife, no info at all) is an *email* written by Tim Boyle to Darryl Lundy. IMHO, this is pretty weak supporting evidence (especially since we can't even see the email to know what the argument may have been). On the other hand, we know that MedLands/FMG is extremely well researched and is, in fact, the best authority I know on these medieval family relationships.
So if you can reconfigure the tree to make William the son of Henry, please do so. If you can't, then let me know and I'll work on it.
Thanks! Pam
Ric, Carol, Ben and others working on these English families with French surnames (le Scrope, de Neville, Beauchamp, etc)--they are Anglo Norman families, and I invite you to join the new Anglo-Norman Families project. I've created a Geni wiki page at http://wiki.geni.com/index.php/Anglo-Norman_Families--NEW and I would like for you to add your names and the families you work on in this area under "Project Members and Their Interests"; we also have a separate discussion board for these at http://www.geni.com/discussions/show/6000000009977972454?msg=600000...
Thanks, and maybe there we can get a more focused discussion going about these interrelated families.
Pam, thank you for your help, much appreciated! I think I am inclined to agree with you, the only source I can showing William's father as William instead of Henry is thepeerage. I am sure I am able to make the correction if all agree.
Ofir, have you came across any further evidence that William was William's father, besides thepeerage?
And Pam, thank you for the invite. I saw your earlier post and I will add my name to the list now.
@Ric -- I should also have added that of course the discrepancy between the various sources should also be noted and that a rationale should be provided for why a decision was made to select one parent over another. I might also do further research to see if Keats-Rohan or another scholar has done any writing on the issue of whether there was actually an additional generation of William Scrope; another place to check would be the GEN-MEDIEVAL discussion list archives, which is a very good source for discussions of controversies like this.
How to Search the GEN-MEDIEVAL Archives:
Happy hunting!
William Sprague. There are many merges to complete in here. I attempted, but got an error. There may be some locked profiles preventiing the merge(?)... whatever it is, can a curator fix?
This William Mulins profile has two William Mullins profiles showing as being married to each other (as husbands):
William Mullins, "Mayflower" Passenger
Can somebody please fix the Thomas Wyatt the younger mess (Sir Thomas "The Younger" Wyatt, MP). Somebody merged somebody with a completely different name into him so everything is all messed up.
http://www.geni.com/family-tree/index/4966998201670125656 is looking much better now, but please continue to help there.
Trying to resolve merge on this and the other profiles in this family, i keep receiving "We are experiencing technical difficulties"
I think that the profiles are bad merges, and should be cancelled.