Profiles Involved: Brajndla Zylberberg #1, Brajndla Zylberberg #2
Father: Jochym Zajdner
Mothers:Tauba Zajdner AND/OR Tauba Zajdner
It seems that there are 2 different names for Brandyl's mother, we have: Tauba (Wolfowicz) Monszein and Faybla Monszein Zaydner. Maybe the name was Tauba Fayble, or Fayble Tauba, but I'd like to clear this up before merging the profiles.
Can someone help shed some light on this?
The "name" Faybla is the result of indexing.
If you read the JRI pages carefully then you will find that the JRI web index is a result of a triple transfer from the original record. During these transfers faults may occur. The name in the record obviously was Taybla which is a diminutive of Tauba. During the indixing procedure Taybla became Faybla.
People with minimum knowledge of Jewish names know that Faybla is not a popular name.
So one can conclude that Faybla = Taybla = Tauba (diminutive).