I've accidentally merged two profiles that were marked for merge by someone else. However they should not have been merged as they are seemingly unrelated.
I managed to create a duplicate copy for the merged profile as its own brother, but I cannot seem to separate the two. Help, anyone?
Shiri. I see you cracked this. But now you have two Moshe Unknowns, both with a son Shmuel Unknown, begging out for someone to come along again and accidentally think they are the same person. It's an accident waiting to happen again. I would make one set "Moshe Not Known" and "Shmuel Not Known" - just to distinguish - or even משה לא ידוע and שמואל לא ידוע
just a general note - when fixing this type of bad merge, it is easiest if BEFORE you break the connection between the two brothers, that you transfer the children (if any) to the correct parent. You can usually very easily move a child to its' "uncle" using just the Parents field in the Relationship tab.