Birth: 580 - Old Saxony
Death: 615 (35) - Metz, Austrasia
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Arnoldus (Bishop) of Metz, Arnulf (Bishop) of Metz, Arnoldus Bishop, Arnoldus XXVII, Arnoldus MEROVING Mar De Schelde Xxvii and 22 othersArnoldus (Bishop) of Metz, Arnulf (Bishop) of Metz, Arnoldus Bishop, Arnoldus XXVII, Arnoldus MEROVING Mar De Schelde Xxvii, Gundolfus Bishop of Mets Bishop of Mets, Bodegisel Duke of Aquitaine Duke of Aquitaine, Arnoald DE SAVOY, Arnoldus Metz, Arnoald (Arnoldus) Margrave of Schelde & Bishop of Metz, Arnold Bishop Of Metz Schelde, Arnoldus Of Saxony, Theutbald de Metz, Arnoald Bsp of Metz, Bertha of Kent, REPEAT Merovingian/Arnegundis, Bertha (Aldeberge) DE PARIS, Itte "Oda" VON SWABIA, Blithilde BILHIDIS, Chrodoare DE SWABIA, Berthe (Aldeberge Bilthildis) KENT, Oda AUS SCHWABEN, Amalsinde DE DIJON, (incognita) (ANONYMA), Ingoberge DE PARIS, Oda of Saxony and Dode OF HERISTAL
Wife of St. Arnoul de Metz II, Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, Arnoldus Of Saxony, Saint Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, Arnoldus Bishop of Metz and 27 othersSt. Arnoul de Metz II, Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, Arnoldus Of Saxony, Saint Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, Arnoldus Bishop of Metz, Arnould le Saint de Metz, Saint Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, Saint Arnulf, Arnoul "de Heristal" Bishop of Metz, Arnoald (Arnoldus) Margrave of Schelde & Bishop of Metz, Arnoul BISHOP, Amulf of Metz St. Arnulf Mayor of the Palace, Saint Arnulf, évêque de Metz, Arnulf of Metz, Saint Arnulf de Heristal Bishop of Metz, De Heristal METZ, Arnold De Metz, Arnoldus of Saxony, Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, Arnoul (St Arnoul) "De Heristal" Bishop Of Metz, St. Arnoul de Metz II, St. Arnoul Metz [Bishop of], Arnoul (St Arnoul) "de Heristal" Bishop of Metz, St. Bodegisil Dux II Governor of Aquitaine, Arnoul (St. Arnoul) de Heristal, Bishop of Metz, Arnoul Bishop, Arnulf (St. Arnulf), St. Arnulf, Mayor of the Palace tutor to Dagobert, Bishop of Metz, Arnoul DO NOT MERGE !!! (Saint) X, Arnould DE METZ, Arnulf de Heristal and Arnulf
Mother of Anségisel Mayor of the Palace, Lord of Brabant ,Mayor of the Palace to Siegbert, Saint Itta (Itte) Iduberga Of DE NIVELLES, St Modoaldus Archbishop Of Triers, De Heristal METZ, Chlodulf (St. Cloud) Bishop of Metz and 24 othersAnségisel Mayor of the Palace, Lord of Brabant ,Mayor of the Palace to Siegbert, Saint Itta (Itte) Iduberga Of DE NIVELLES, St Modoaldus Archbishop Of Triers, De Heristal METZ, Chlodulf (St. Cloud) Bishop of Metz, Clodulphe (St Clodulphe) Bishop Of Metz, St Clodulphe, Bishop Metz, Oda DE SAVOY, Saint Arnulf, Saint Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, St Arnulf (Arnoul) Metz, Arnoul BISHOP, Arnoul (St Arnoul) "De Heristal" Bishop Of Metz, Arnoul "de Heristal" Bishop of Metz, Arnoul (St. Arnoul) de Heristal, Bishop of Metz, Amulf of Metz St. Arnulf Mayor of the Palace, Saint Dode (ChlotildeOda) of DE SAVOY Of Metz, Walechise Verdon, Saint Clodulphe Metz [Bishop of], Saint Chlodulf of Metz, Saint Clodulphe [Bishop of] Metz of], Martin Meroving, Count Eudo I of Aquataine, Saint Clodule de Metz, Martin, Arnoul Bishop, CLODULPHE OU CLOUD DE METZ, St. Chlodulf BISHOP OF METZ and St. Clodulf, Bishop of Metz
Sister of Arnulf Bishop of Metz, Saint Dode (ChlotildeOda) of DE SAVOY Of Metz, Saint Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, Arnoul "de Heristal" Bishop of Metz, St. Arnoul de Metz II and 10 othersArnulf Bishop of Metz, Saint Dode (ChlotildeOda) of DE SAVOY Of Metz, Saint Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, Arnoul "de Heristal" Bishop of Metz, St. Arnoul de Metz II, Saint Itta (Itte) Iduberga Of DE NIVELLES, St. Arnoul de Metz II, St. Arnoul Metz [Bishop of], Itte DE LANDEN, Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, Saint Arnulf, Amulf of Metz St. Arnulf Mayor of the Palace, Severa, Saint and Abbess, St Modoaldus Archbishop Of Triers and St. Arnoul II Bishop of Metz
Mother of Saint Itta (Itte) Iduberga Of DE NIVELLES, Saint Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, Berthe KENT, Arnoldus Bishop of Metz, Dode CLOTHILDE DE HERISTAL and 14 othersSaint Itta (Itte) Iduberga Of DE NIVELLES, Saint Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, Berthe KENT, Arnoldus Bishop of Metz, Dode CLOTHILDE DE HERISTAL, Athelburh of Kent, Alburga de PRINCESS, Eadbald King of Kent, Æthelberg (?), Arnoldus Of Saxony, Eadbald, Arnoald (Arnoldus) Margrave of Schelde & Bishop of Metz, Eadbert II 'Praen' King Of Kent, Eardwulf, Egbert II, Alburga Aethelbryhting of Kent, Saint Dode (ChlotildeOda) of DE SAVOY Of Metz, ... Saint Arnulf Mayor of the Palace and Bishop of Metz and St Modoaldus Archbishop Of Triers