Collaboration Pool

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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Showing 631-660 of 1468 posts

Personally, I know that none of my family is using Geni right now, but they enjoy the birthday emails and I'm not doing it for them anyway. I want my kids to know where they came from. My grandfathers brother called me on Friday. It was the first phone call that I ever received from him. (We've spoken and see each other, but really just at family functions). He called me because of the emails that he has been receiving form Geni and I ended up getting a lot of family information from him.

It's a very useful tool for many different reasons.

@Myriam FRECHE

Erica - absolutely. As I have invited them to join the tree, they have added their knowledge, adding both living family members, but also adding previous generations that I was unaware of. The younger generation has been enthusiastic and conducted research for the family tree in places like Jerusalem, in the records of the early immigrants to Argentina. I have been amazed at the amount of interest and involvement.

OK, too. @Donna Mirra

@Suzanne Michaud-Lennox

@Reet Laherand

Lois Olley
I haven't played in Geni for quite a while. Been flowing with life in another direction. But at midnight here I thought I'd take a look. I don' want to go to bed now!! I have the merge issues I have been waiting months for!
122 thousand of them.
I might ask for help in a couple days.
How long do you think this will take? LOL!

Hello Lois,
the very large number of "merge issues" you see is probably because the list also includes those issues of ALL of you Collaborators. On the top-right side of the page's title, you should see a check-box titled "Include Collaborators". Make sure it is NOT checked. Your list will become much shorter (and do-able), containing only "issues" for profiles that you are a manager of.

With the introduction of the Curator team, we expect to get that number down into a MUCH smaller number within 2-3 months.

Shmuel-Aharon Kam,
Geni Curator

Yes I noticed that box was checked AFTER I posted my message.
But I was disappointed to tell truth. I haven't had only but a few matches show up on my own tree so I lost interest in Geni as there was nothing further I could I do. The problem I had with Geni is there were inlaw trees created when they should not have been inlaws ( 3 grandmothers, and three grandfathers, in the same generation etc). And on inlaw trees you don't get matches so any control over expansion was gone. I switched to a more expensive genealogical site where there are no in-law trees and no restriction on the size of my own tree, the matches are endless.

I'm also not sure what restriction you're referring to. Think about the fact that you can have 3 grandmothers and 3 grandfathers. That's not even restricted! :)

Different sites have different purposes. Geni is a bit loose because others can change info you put on a profile and you're not notified when that's done, but the flip side is that you the tree and your family expand without your input.

Please don't use this thread for other than "Sign ups" use
for discussions about collaboration. It makes it difficult to find new collaborators if there are many other comments and discussions mixed in.
By posting here... you are, in effect, stating intent to accept *ALL* collaboration requests originating from people who have posted their names here.
Joining the poole you simply post your name like this:
for a list of members, go backwards to the last list by Henn, and then add those that have posted since.

Thank you for the reminder, Michael. I deleted my posts to keep the discussion clean, easy to read, and on topic.


@Jaime Hernán Rios Bielefeld

Private User

Are there other "Collaboration Pools" that I should be part of? P. René LeBrun

@P. René LeBrun I think this is THE collaboration pool. I try to read all discussions and I haven't seen another one.

@ احمد

Angie Saayman
@Angie Saayman

I'm in. in. @CathyWhitten

Jaak Tulp I would like to participate in collaboration pool, bacause i already discovered third round connections with Swedish and Danish monarch families.

@Sherri Holswick I'm in!

@Philip Alden Main

I have a lot of hope for this!

@Jessica Mishler

@Heather Bostelaar


Showing 631-660 of 1468 posts

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