To restate the intent and rules behind this thread:
1.) if you post here, you are indicating your willingness to accept any collaboration request from anyone else who posts here
2.) before you can send a collaboration request from someone in this thread, you *MUST* post your name here (reciprocity)
3.) you may remove your name at any time by deleting your post
4.) you must respect the deleted posts as 'out of bounds' (ie., *DO NOT* send a request to a user who has deleted their post here)
5.) a post in this thread *without* the "@yourname"... is *NOT* an entrant in this pool
6.) The "rules" are for this thread only. Everything else is for/at the leisure of the people involved.
7.) Please include a link to this thread or "Collaboration Pool" in the collaboration requests you send
8.) Please... email/PM a link to this thread to all of your collaborators... the more exposure this gets... the greater its effect.
If enough people join in this effort, we can, rapidly, remove many of the prior barriers to fixing this mess.
While I'd like to work on a more automated version of this... at the moment this "Collaboration Pool" is entirely manual.
When you post your name... you should check all the other names, and request collaboration from those you do not yet have.
You should also check back from time to time, to catch any you might have missed/who might have missed you.
I hope, in the near future, to make this process automated, but we will have to wait abit for that, I'm afraid.
Below is a list of all current members of this Collaboration Pool... I will try to keep it up to date.
Jason P Herbert
(Will post list in next post)
Private User we actually just removed this feature. Some users with a large number of collaborators had sent a message to all of their collaborators, and each person was notified everytime anyone replied. It created a lot of noise. If you start a public discussion, all of your collaborators will be notified. If they aren't interested, they can unfollow the discussion.
@ jason Peter (geni won't autocomplete) - when you send out the next list, can you draw a line separating additions (and withdrawals, if any) since your previoius one? I already asked for collaboration from everyone on the previous list, and don't want to spam them again (or even take the time to open up their profile to see if a request is outstanding).