For those who are on Facebook, I am trying to pave peace between nations an cultures. If you wish, and have good intentions, kindly befriend me
Most sincerely,
Michael Holmboe
It's been brought to my attention that I may not have been clear in my intentions for this thread.
Some of you already understand this... but evidently not everyone.
While I'd like to work on a more automated version of this... at the moment this "Collaboration Pool" is entirely manual.
When you post your name... you should check all the other names, and request collaboration from those you do not yet have. You should also check back from time to time, to catch any you might have missed/who might have missed you.
I hope, in the near future, to make this process automated, but we will have to wait abit for that, I'm afraid.
Jason P Herbert
Congratulations Sheri Marie Fish - you are my collaborator number 1300!
BTW,- I can have access to merge Scott Hibbard profiles for those who are fighting them. Use the new common collaborator rule for that as described here: http://forum.geni.com/topic.php?id=62421#post-573041