Wrong husband

Started by Noah Tutak on Wednesday, April 14, 2010
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Looks like this profile is connected to the wrong Bolling. From what I can tell, Jane Stith should be married to Colonel Robert Bolling. If no one disagrees, I'll move her, or just merge her with this Ann Meriweather Stith.

hi mr. tutak you have the right information here but i would like to know how much more you know.

Hang on, Noah! I'm in the middle of correcting some bad merges in the Stith/Bolling/Wynne tree.

Two of Jane Mosby Stith's daughters were merged together, messing up the entire tree. The Jane you referenced is actually the mother of the Ann Stith who married Robert Bolling.

THIS PROFILE -- Ann Bolling -- is the wife of Robert Bolling, the Immigrant. There are many sources listed on Bolling's profile to verify that this is the correct wife. I have outlined on the overview for Bolling the marriages and children and the controversies surrounding possible descendants of Pocahantas.

Anne Merriweather Stith is not the same person and Ann Stith Bolling. They may be related, but I don't have the proofs yet. Please merge with caution here.

There are so many similar names in this era of Virginia history. I am working on providing good Curator statements on MPs for this important family. This should help prevent future errors.

@ James Hall -- I have a bit of research on this family. If you have a question, please post here. It may take me a day or so to find the answer, but if it's known, I'll find it and reply here.

Maria - Thought I would mention - Noah's original comment is dated April of 2010 - about 2 years ago, about 2 years before the next comment. Noah probably long since finished that merge.

Private User - since Maria's tag didn't take - retagging just to call your attention to her offer above. (once you have reached a space after a name, the drop-down choices menu stops working - they seem to have majorly fixed it recently, so it is much more likely to take now - just type the at-sign, stop at or before the end of the first name, look at choices they popped for you)

Actually, no, I did NOT see that Noah's comments were outdated. When James added his comment, that activated this message. Someone else, who knows I have been researching this family, sent me a link.

Thanks for pointing it out.

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