With Discipline, Almost anything is Possible...
Do you want to be great at what you do? Who doesn't? But, how do you get there? Steve Siebold has written a "world class" book about how to turn mediocrity into greatness. In it, he shares some of the "secrets" of champions in their chosen professions.
Steve is an internationally recognized expert in the field of peak performance and mental toughness. Since 1984, he has spent every free moment conducting interviews with champions, learning about the psychology of peak performance and what sets world-class performers apart. This book is the result of his 20-year "obsession."
One of the "secrets" Steve discovered is that Discipline is one of the ultimate keys to success. Today, I'd like to share Steve's thoughts about how you, too, can become one of the "great ones" by developing discipline in every area of your life:
Excerpt from: Secrets of the World Class,
by Steve Siebold
When average performers have had enough for the day and call it quits, champions are usually just getting started. Discipline is the watchword of great performers. Discipline makes the difference between the good and the great. The great ones will tell you discipline is more of a decision than it is an active skill. It's the ability to stay the course and complete promises you've made. The fulfillment of these promises builds confidence and self-esteem, which eventually leads champions to believe almost anything is possible. It's a habit and a self-fulfilling prophecy built into one. Discipline is a logic-based decision that performers adhere to, regardless of whether they feel like it or not.
Discipline pushes performers past pain and punishment. As my late business partner and mentor Bill Gove always said, "It's easier to get yourself into good thinking than it is to think yourself into good action." This is the mindset of the champion. The great ones, like Bill Gove, don't let feelings interfere with their performance. Instead, they harness the power of their emotional motivators to propel them past the competition. Average people see discipline as a painful chore to be avoided at all costs. The world class sees it as the ultimate power tool for performance.