Geni has featured profiles of the week. These are mostly Americans and world famous people. I just wish to draw your attention to other notable people who will probably never make it Geni's famous list, but who are nevertheless worth a look, all from Norway.
First: war hero Martin Linge Martin Linge
not to forget Max Manus , whom they have made a great movie about last year.
a big part of the north america,has people from all over europe and scandinavia.
so a lot of featured profiles they could find,with some real history behind them.
how about Belle Gunnes
or the Hilton`s
the list will go on, and on
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Norwegians !
The famous explorers come to my mind because they so often competed agains the Brits!
We are trying to add people to this list, and will hopefully make a separate Kings of Norway list when the chaos in the old lines is cooled down:
Remi, you mean non-Norwegians with N ancestry (like Joni Mitchell - there is a thread ab her ancestry on webdebatt Digitalarikvet)?
Martin, it would be great if you managed to trace Belle Gunness and her ancestors and add them all to the tree :-)
Here are the (tagged) profiles of war hero Maximo Guiliermo Manus
and Linge's son who designed sailing boats Soling and Yngling: Jan Herman Linge
Another notable Norwegian frequently in the media these days is controversial author Agnar Mykle.
Arthur, here's our polar explorer who beat Scott: Polfarer Roald Amundsen
Yes, that's exactly what I mean, Anne Marit. Like Belle Gunness, Joni Mitchell, Walter Mondale, Johan Aasen (http://www.laagendalsposten.no/article/20100126/NYHET/701269973/111... [sorry for the norwegian newspaper link, but is is about a guy with norwegian ancestry, emigrated to the US, and became a semi-famous actor in the silent movie era because of his height, supposedly over 250cm.] here is an english speaking website about him: http://www.johanaasen.com/index.html), Peter Graves, James Arness and many, many others.
My favorite: Tron Øgrim, who happens to have been my fourth cousin.
Anne :
Belle Gunnes should be around here somewere.
we just have to find the rest of her folks.
from Wikipedia :
Belle Sorenson Gunness (born as Brynhild Paulsdatter Størseth, November 11, 1859, Selbu, Norway)
so some one working on folks from Selbu,might stumble over her there.
Norman Gabrielsen, World War II Norwegian War Hero. Norwegian Secret Agent, who received "Kings Medal for Courage in the Cause of Freedom Great Britain." He also Received St Olav Medal (War Cross with Sword. Norways highest Medal.
He is also listed in Books in Norway and Great Britain.
There's a long discussion about Belle Gunnes in the Norwigian Digital Archives discussions, it's all in norwegian though.
Now there are several more Norwegians on this list of notables to check out:
@Remi: a challenge for you - add and link these to the tree, and I'll add them to the Hall of Fame.
Norway is busy these days preparing to host the international finals of the European Song Contest on 29 May, and it is exacly 25 years since Elisabeth Andreassen was part of Bobbysocks, the winning team of 1985.
Several new additions to our Hall of Fame:
Famous but controversial writer Knut Hamsun is one of them
Knut Hamsun, Nobel Prize in Literature, 1920
and polar explorer Erling Kagge
Anyone who knows more (or would like to explore) teh ancestry of our beloved Fleksnes?
Rolv Wesenlund
Siste navn på lista over berømte nordmenn er Joni Mitchell som er halvt norsk i avstamning, med to norske besteforeldre.
Hennes farmor var fra Gulen i Sogn og navn på gårder med aner er Takle, Engeset, Farestveit og Møster/Myster (Vaksdal). Disse greinen er koblet til Big Tree men det trengs opprydding i området om noen er kjent der.
Jonis farfar var fra Sømne i Nordland, gårder i slekten er Kleiven, Dale, Arnes, Bø, Sund, Grøtheim og Kvitle. En ane bruker navnet Busch. Dersom noen av dere har slekt i Sømne er det flott om dere overtar og får koblet Joni på her også.
Kanskje kan Gjert knyttes til denne damen som skal være født i Øksningen?
Marthe Maria Johansdatter Grøtheim
Om Cecilie Skog: bør heller legge henne inn med foreldre, besteforeldre osv - om noen kjenner hennes opphav? Dokumentar med henne fra 2006 bl a på Sukkertoppen her:
http://www.nrk.no/nett-tv/klipp/212183/ (fantastisk sunnmørsreklame)
Vet du hvor hennes familie er fra?