Noah Tutak@Noah nobody seems to be responding to these requests to complete merges for Thorstensen. Can Geni do something about this?
Rogneda of Polotsk
Anastasia of Kiev
Yaroslav the Wise
Yaroslav the Wise
Adelaida, princess of Hungary
Henry I, king of France
Philip I, king of France
Bertha of Holland
Hugh "Magnus" of Paris, count of Paris, duke of the Franks
Adélaïde of Burgundy
Hugues I 'Magnus', Comte de Vermandois
Mathilde de France, Reine Consort des Deux-Bourgognes
Robert II Capet, "the Pious" king of the Franks
Thanks a lot!
So what do we do now with Arthur Thorstensen?
If he has really revoked all collaboration we have a serious problem - again ... It is NOT possible to suddenly stop being part of the Big Tree once you're merged in. Why cannot Geni face this, explain it properly to everyone joining AND in particular when they first merge or invite somebody - and give us the tools to get this common tree into the shape it should be in?
The mess is growing every day, every hour ...
I saw your Mollet Unterramsern SO CH family tree when searching 'Geni Mollet'. Apparently different from Mollet Schnottwill SO CH family tree that I entered recently based on a hard copy obtained from a cousin of my father. It would be interesting to find the common ancestor. As you yourself are not included in the Mollet Unterramseern SO CH tree, how did you get all the information for this tree?
Regards, Heinz Friedrich 'Henry'' Mollet