I've just had a look at the "Earls of Arundel" (1148-1243) (ALBINI) section in FMG and as I supposed Albini is the Latin form of the French name Aubigny.
As you can see on the page linked bellow, Guillaume d'Aubigny "Pincerna" is also named :
Willielmus de Albaneio, Willielmus de Albeneyo, Willelmus de Albiniaco, Willelmus de Aubini, Willermi de Albinaio, Willelmus de Albini
I'm a direct descendant of American Dabney and what I think is the "Arundel" line. I have never been so confounded by any research project! NO single sources have identical lines of descent (unless they obviously copied each other). When I thought I was getting a grip on the family, I looked at Geni and found at least three people I'd never heard of before...and then could not find them listed in any other source!
It helps to understand that there are two distinct families, but in terms of sourcing the names, I don't feel I can rely on anyone's work, since there are duplicate names and similar dates.
Any SUGGESTIONS about how to nail this down?
Centred on my 15th great grandfather Vice-Admiral Sir John Arundell, V I have a number of Arundells in my tree and and another branch base on my 18th ggfather, Sir Giles Daubeney, Knt., of Barrington
The main reference I use is http://www.british-history.ac.uk/magna-britannia/vol3/cxviii-clxxiv....
I haven't had time yet to read all previous posts but wondered if a project had been set up where we could deposit links to any profiles that warranted Master Profile status (which implies that they had been the subject of a reasonable amount of research)
Will Chapman (Vol. Curator), if you will private message me with any requests for designating profiles as Master Profiles, I'll be glad to take a look and do so, especially if you've added research, bio, etc. Thanks!
@pam wilson
You may find my article in the Annual Bulletin of the Societe Jersiaise 2001 (Wiiliam d'Aubigny, Pincerna and Brito - Individual Identities from Historic Records Pages 276-279) relevant to your quest.
I shall be interested in any vital records pre 1200, to help trace the father of Marguerite d'Aubigny m. Philippe de Carteret (c.1210).
I should be glad to enter a 1:1 communication via my email (martincourtier@tiscali.co.uk) to send you the full text if the article if you wish.
Many thanks,
Martin Courtier