As you may know, during WW2 Alan Bisman trained in Egypt, fought in Greece and Crete, then was captured in Libya and spent the rest of the war as a POW in Italy and Germany. He wrote to his parents weekly for this whole time and these letters (and some photos) have been kept and circulated by the family.
I have the letters at the moment and finished typing them up about a month ago. I have now finished scanning them in and they come to about 520 high resolution scans (approx. 2.5 gigabytes in total, scans at 600dpi, 24 bit colour jpegs).
The material is in a fairly raw format now - scans are high res originals (not optimized/edited) and I haven't re-checked the typed versions or researched/put historical context to it - but feel free to contact me at any time and I'll send you a CD with everything I have at the state it is in at the time. I'll confirm again when I've done more work on them.
The purpose of scanning them in was so there's a permanent record for anyone to have, of the letters, photos and transcription - since they form an important record of the family history. Now that this information is in a permanent format, the more people have copies the better it will be in the long run, to make sure they're in a good condition for the next 70 years.