Name of my Parents

Started by Thakor Ranchhod Tailor on Monday, December 21, 2009

Evidently there is an error in name of my parents. My late father name was Ranchhodbhai Parbhubhai of Vyara, Dostrict Tapi, Gujarat State, India,
My later mother name was Kashiben Ranchhodbhai Tailor of Vyara, originally from Mandavi, Dist. Tapit Gujarat State, India.
My self, my wife Ila, Sons Sanjay, Prayus and Amar, Daughter in laws Kallolini, Jayshree and Yashica, Grandchildrens Shivam, Sachin, Amrita, Chirag, Ayan, Priyanka and Dhruv.all resides in USA. Thanks.

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