Ronald MacKinnon was the stepfather to one of my ancestors, Eleanor Baxter who married Mark Last Cohen. I know that much is true, I have a transcript of the marriage certificate and the family notice in the herald supports it. Looked further into the background, but I have mucked it all up, by the looks of things. Eleanor Baxter's first marriage and younger one's father appeared to be straight forward.
William Baxter was thought to have died, hence the second marriage. But since then I have discovered Eleanor died 7 years before the marriage of younger Eleanor to Mark Cohen. So I have no real idea if I am on the right track.
Any help would be very appreciated.
Eleanor J MacKinnon
Eleanor Baxter (Nee Gribben) is the wife and mother, apparently.
Sorry. There seems to be bugs in the profile tags.
Eleanor Cohen
This is the daughter, listed as Mackinnow in birth death marriage registration, because of stepfather.