Query on children of Frederick MEYERS

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  • Private User
    Geni Pro

Profiles Mentioned:

Frederick Meyers is on Geni with

Wife 1 Judeth Meyers 1788-1825

Wife 2 Rebecca Meyers

When Frederick was convicted he was listed as having 3 children

When Judith was convicted she was listed as having 3 children.

3 children accompanied Judith to NSW on "Morley" - Frederick age 8, Charles age 6, unnamed girl age 3.

3 children accompanied Judith from NSW to Tasmania


  • What is the evidence that Benjamin born 1813 is the child of Frederick and Judith?
  • What is the evidence that Thomas born 1815 is the child of Frederick and Judith?
  • Judith died in 1825, what is the evidence that connects Charles born 1849 is her child?

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