Arnulf I, duke of Bavaria - Mix up

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Egon Biechl says
1) According to Wikipedia source

Berthold II von Bayern *≈900; †947
Berthold I von Bayern, Pfalzgraf von Bayern

is not the son, but the brother of

Arnulf "The Bad" von Bayern (Bayern) *886; †937
Arnulf I, duke of Bavaria

2) Graf der Pegnitz Heinrich Von Schweinfurt, II *≈950, †1017
Heinrich II Margrave of the Nordgau & Schweinfurt

is not the son of

Arnulf "The Bad" von Bayern (Bayern) *886; †937
Arnulf I, duke of Bavaria

but te son of

Berthold II von Bayern *≈900; †947
Berthold I von Bayern, Pfalzgraf von Bayern

and therefore identical with

Heinrich I Markgraf von Schweinfurt ≈960; †1017
Heinrich I Markgraf von Schweinfurt

3) Duke of Upper Bavaria Palatine of Scheyern Arnulf *≈920; †985
Duke of Upper Bavaria Palatine of Scheyern Arnulf

is identical with

Arnulf von Bayern, II *913; †954
Arnulf II, count palatine of Bavaria
and has to be cancelled therefore

Gerbergis *≈845-965

has to be cancelled

as well as their son
II Duke of Lower Bavaria Welpho
II Duke of Lower Bavaria Welpho

Can you agree?

2. ARNULF (-killed in battle near Regensburg 22 Jul 954). The Annales Sangallenses record that "Adalbert filius Perehctoldi et Arnolfus filius Arnolfi ducis" were killed in 954[178]. He is named as son of Arnulf in 6 Feb 954[179]. He rebelled against Otto I King of Germany in 954, aiming to re-establish his family's position in Bavaria but was killed in the first siege of Regensburg[180]. The necrology of churches of Freising records the death "XI Kal Aug" of "Arnolt com"[181], which is assumed refers to Pfalzgraf Arnulf. m ---. The name of Arnulf's wife is not known. Arnulf & his wife had [two] children:

a) BERTHOLD von Reisensburg ([930]-after 21 Jul 976). The Annales Sancti Emmerammi record that "Perahtold filius Arnulphi" was expelled "de Norica" in 951[182]. His birth date is estimated from his adult career starting in 951, but bearing in mind the likely birth date range of his father based on the estimated birth date of his oldest paternal uncle in [905/10]. The Vita S Oudalrici names "Perehtoldus, filius Arnulfi, de castello Risinesburc" when recording that he fought the Hungarians in [Aug 955][183]. "Otto…imperator augustus" returned property "quod vocatur Metama" previously donated by "Peretoldus Arnoulfi filius" to Kloster Metten by charter dated 21 Jul 976 "per petiticionem Heinrici sanctæ Auguste civitatis episcopi et Liutpaldi marchionis"[184]. m ---. The name of Berthold's wife is not known. Berthold & his wife had [one possible] child:

i) [FRIEDRICH [I] "Roch" (-Jerusalem before 1020, bur Jerusalem). According to Wegener, Graf Friedrich [I] was the son of Berthold von Reisensburg[185]. He bases this on "Berthold" witnessing several exchanges of property in the oberen Isar dated [990/99], and equating him with Berthold von Reisensburg. Several points can be made about this theory. Firstly, it seems surprising that such an illustrious connection with the Luitpoldinger Dukes of Bavaria would not have been mentioned by the various contemporary sources which relate the early history of the Grafen von Diessen. Secondly, the estimated birth date of Berthold von Reisensburg is restricted to the limited period [929/31], bearing in mind the known dates of his own career and the likely birth date of his father. His last known mention is dated 976. Another burst of activity fourteen years after this date, when he would have been in his sixties, would be surprising. Thirdly, judging from the 976 entry, Berthold von Reisensburg appears to have fallen into disgrace with Emperor Otto III. There is no record of his return to favour. It is therefore likely that his descendants (if any) fell into obscurity. Fourthly, it is surprising that Berthold von Reisensburg would not have been described as comes even in entries relating to the period after his disgrace, as he would presumably have continued to claim and use the title.

BERTHOLD von Reisensburg ([930]-after 21 Jul 976)
s/o ARNULF (-killed in battle near Regensburg 22 Jul 954)
x NN

  • [FRIEDRICH [I] "Roch" (-Jerusalem before 1020, bur Jerusalem).

Berthold I, von Reisensburg

LUITPOLD ([850/60]-killed in battle near Pressburg 4 Jul 907)
s/o NN
x ([875/85] or <) NN

  • ARNULF ([875/85]-14 Jul 937, bur Regensburg St Emmeram)


  • BERTHOLD (-23 Nov 947, bur Kloster Niederaltaich)

Luitpold, Margrave of Bavaria
Arnulf, Duke of Bavaria
Berthold, Duke of Bavaria

HEINRICH, Duke of Carinthia, Duke of Bavaria (-5 Oct 989, bur [Niederaltaich])
s/o BERTHOLD Duke of Bavaria & BIELETRUD
x HILDEGARD (-6 Aug >989)

Heinrich "der jünge", Duke of Carinthia, Duke of Bavaria

Danke Egon Biechl Gut erkannt.

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