Consistency Check:
Joseph Wilson is in a relationship cycle within the immediate family.Dorcas Wilson is in a relationship cycle within the immediate family.
Birth date of Captain Samuel Wilson, I and his Jennet Holmes (Wilson) are within 8 months.
Joseph Wilson born after the death of his father John Wilson.Dorcas Wilson born after the death of her father John Wilson.
Sarah Wilson (Reid) is over 55 years old for the birth of her child Joseph Wilson.
Sarah Wilson (Reid) is over 55 years old for the birth of her child Dorcas Wilson.
Joseph Wilson born after the death of his mother Frances Rodgers Wilson (unknown).
Henry Wilson born after the death of his mother Frances Rodgers Wilson (unknown).
Dorcas Wilson born after the death of her mother Frances Rodgers Wilson (unknown).
Ellender Wilson born after the death of her mother Frances Rodgers Wilson (unknown).
Margaret Wilson born after the death of her mother Frances Rodgers Wilson (unknown).