In JewishGen / LitvakSig - Lithuania Births:
LIBES, Faivush -- Date of Birth: 13 - Jan - 1895 = 29 Tevet -- Father, Father's Father: Abe, Girsh -- Mother, Mother's Father: Rokha Leia , Efroim -- Birthplace: Vilijampole / Vilijampole / Kaunas -- Comments: Circumcision date 20-Jan-1895, circumcision did FLOIM. Father was Krakinova / [Krekenava] resident
They give this link: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C9TX-K9Y4-C?mode=g
It goes to a whole set of records on FamilySearch
This is a copy of the original record, showing just his birth record, with the info translated directly from it by Lisa.
The full page it is on is: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C9TX-K95J-Z?i=522
Faivush is frequently Americanized as Philip.
Libes seems to be the surname this Siegel family used before coming to the US
The Date is almost certainly the date on the Julian Calendar, which they were still using, as opposed to the Gregorian Calendar which we use.
In FindaGrave there is a Memorial for Philip Siegel.
It includes a Photo of his Gravestone: https://images.findagrave.com/photos/2019/364/127007668_73d7c296-a3...
It shows he died July 2, 1980 at Age 85 Years.
1980 - 85 = 1895, so likely born in 1895
And it gives Philip Siegel's name in Hebrew as
[Shraga Feivel] son of the revered [Aba Arye]
Feivel and Faivush are variations of the same name,
just as Phil and Philip are
and just as William, Billy,,Bill, Will, and even Liam are
Just not as familiar to some of us in America.
Feivel and Faivush are Yiddush,
Shraga is the Hebrew for the same name
It is common for the Hebrew and Yiddush of the same name to often be paired the way these are on his gravestone.
JOWBR gives the info as
SIEGEL, Philip -- Date of Death: 02-Jul-1980 -- Age:85 -- Hebrew Name: Shraga Feivel b. Abba Aryeh -- Spouse: Fannie -- Comments: beloved husband, devoted father and grandfather/father of Ephraim/brother of Jacob
It shows the Cemetery as
Washington Cemetery / Kovner Young Men Ass'n Ind. No. 1 / Section 4, Post 433
Brooklyn / USA
The same as the FindaGrave entry referred to above, where it is shown as
Washington Cemetery
Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, USA
There is an 1898 Family List in JewishGen / LitvakSig
for Vilijampole / Kaunas / Kaunas
that seems to clearly go to the same family as the Birth Record above:
LIBES, Abel - Father: Girsh -- Head -- Age: 48
LIBES, Chaim Ber - Father: Abel -- Age: 24
LIBES, Movsha Leyb - Father: Abel -- Age: 21
LIBES, Yankel Bentsel - Father: Abel -- Age: 18
LIBES, Fayvush - Father: Abel -- Age: 3
LIBES, Leah - Wife - Age: 45
LIBES, Mera - Father: Gerts -- Daughter-in-Law -- Age: 22 in 1904
I think
Faivush is Philip Siegel
And Yankel Bentsel is his brother Jacob Siegel and Mera is Jacob Siegel's wife, Mary (Bloom) Siegel
There is a Marriage record for Iankel Bentsel Libes and Mera daughter of Gerts reported in JewishGen / LitvakSig as in Kaunas / Kaunas / Kaunas on April 20 1904
Then we have an Arrival Record
A Declaration of Intention
And a Petition for Naturalization and a Certificate of Arrival
that are all clearly for the same person: Philip Siegel who arrived in Dec. 22, 1906 on the Albano as Feiwel Segall
On both that Declaration of Intention (1914) and that Petition for Naturalization (1916)
Philip Siegel is living at 261 W 35th St and is listed as born 21 February 1895 in Kovna, Russia
On the Petition of Naturalization his Occupation is Printer.
Address, date and place of birth, occupation all match this WWI Draft Registration for "Phillip Siegel". so that must also be for the same person.
It says his mother and father are dependent on him. So we know also that they are still alive.
There is a WWII Draft Registration Card
For Philip Siegel - born Feb. 21, 1895 in Kovna, Russia
His place of Employment is "Exelsior Trade Press (own business)"
So same name and date and place of birth as above set of records, and looks like has moved up in the Printer occupation.
So I think clearly the same person as the WWI Draft Reg., Petition for Naturalization, Declaration of Intention, Certificate of Arrival, and Arrival record for Philip Siegel who arrived Dec. 22, 1906 on the Albano as Feiwel Segall
On that WWII Draft Reg, Philip Siegel is listed as living at 2810 Brighton 8th St., Bklyn, Kings, N.Y.
This is the same address as on the 1940 Census for a Philip Siegel, occupation: Printer,
so it seems clear it is the same person
On the 1940 Census that Philip Siegel is living with his wife Fannie and 3 children, Ethel, Nathan, and Aria.
P. 1: https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000194938990897&...
P. 2: https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000194938039061&...
On that 1940 Census, the ages of Philip's children are:
Ethel - 17
Nathan - 12
Aria - 9
All 3 born in New York. Aria too young to be on 1930 Census if age on 1940 is correct.
So that family is almost certainly a match for the one on this 1930 Census
P. 1: https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000195108830839&...
P. 2: https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000195109590828&...
And this 1950 Census: