I have been searcing to no avail for Gertrude Gould before 1929. Gertrude Gould
I believe here to be a Northern Navajo woman. I've scanned 6,843 line entries in the 1932 Northern Navajo Agency Census, the last year according to dates from other sources, the Gertrude Gould would have lived on the Reservation. I searched for the name Gertrude and it was not to be found. I also looked at the current residence to confirm that she might be living elsewhere, and found no entries. It seems possible therefore that the given name Gertrude may have been a Canton Asylum creation to be used in lieu of the much more complicated Navajo name.
There are two entries for Gould, Leo and Jay, both have a wife listed with a Navajo name as Leos wife and Jays wife, but no attempte to assign Gertrude. She could have been born as early as 1891 and as late as 1901 based on these entries.
I wonder if anyone in this project can provides leads?