So we’re arguing about a display name? Or do we dispute a middle name of Douglas? Or both?
In contemporary American English, nicknames go in the middle. I would have to look up Chicago Manual of Style doe an exact (journalistic) reference.
Many people do not use their (born as) middle name in everyday life. That includes me.
So - personally - I might style this profile display name as
Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson
Does that work for everyone?
In 2000, Johnson published his autobiography, The Rock Says..., co-written with Joe Layden. It debuted at No. 1 on The New York Times Best Seller list and remained on the list for several weeks.[28]
Johnson made his WWF debut as Rocky Maivia, a combination of his father and grandfather's ring names, although announcers acknowledged his real name.[68]
Here’s an unofficial description of how names are (often) written:
Where does a nickname go when writing a person's full name?
I usually put it in the middle, surrounding it with quotes. I’ve seen it that way in many descriptions. An example is like—Tommy "Two Gun" DeSimone, Frankie “The Killer” Carbone, Freddie “No Nose”, Nicky “the Eyes”, Jimmy “Two Times”, Paul “Paulie” Cicero. (Names courtesy of the film “GoodFellas”).
John “Mickey” R. Smith or John R. “Mickey” Smith The person’s nickname goes just before the person’s surname, as in John R. Middleton James Joseph “Mickey” Smith. It goes there because it is presumed that many people will know the person only by the nickname and surname, as in “Mickey” Smith.
Joseph Frank “Buster” Keaton
Dwight David “Ike” Eisenhower
George Herman “Babe” Ruth
And best yet:
Usually, a nickname is placed directly after the official first name, and is surrounded by quotation marks, to distinguish it from the components of the real name.
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.
Elvis ‘The King’ Presley.
Roy ‘The Big O’ Orbison.
Billy Ray ‘Achy Breaky Heart’ Cyrus. (I don’t think he actually has this nickname, I just used it because of his two first names).
Made up example: Ambrose ‘Rosy’ Jackson.
The written nickname is shown to confirm that this individual is also known by the nickname, as opposed to someone else who shares the same name/s, or similarly spelled name/s. People would also say the nickname for the same reason.
On Geni, I tend to use a single quote mark, because double quote mark can confuse speakers of other languages.
let's talk about the display name, just that.
The full name and surname, is obviously known and correct.
No one mentions him Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson
in the ring he was "The Rock"
now that his acting career is skyrocketing, his first name & surname is now his name of fame, but the "sports" title remains, but not in the middle, instead of, or after the name of fame, not in the middle.
Everyone mentions him as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
In boxing, the nickname goes between the first and last name. For instance,
Red “Puncher” Milley
In freestyle wrestling (WWE, ECW, and similar entities), same thing for boxing.
In English, I have seen his name (usually) two ways.
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
(And his previous WWE nicknames).
I have never seen it as Dwayne Johnson, “the Rock”. That would be an “alias” formation (AKA) and not a nickname. Do you have an English journalistic source for it?
He owns the rights to name "The Rock" (including logos, phrases, etc). The rights to the name "The Rock" were previously owned by WWE, Inc. (which is the main reason why Vince McMahon has received executive producer credits in some of the Rock's films).
like the top 10 pages google results?
or how he manages his accounts?
The official Facebook page for Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
So, he’s still capitalizing on his WWE name, and his publicity is under that name.
But what bothers me about the Geni profile is no genealogy in the “about.” Why not? He has a famous and interesting pedigree and I have to leave geni to read about it. And we’re the genealogy site??
American press from TODAY.
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson gifts University of Miami students samples from skincare line.
CORAL GABLES, FLA. (WSVN) - Dwayne Johnson, also known as The Rock, gifted students at the University of Miami with products to sample from his skincare line. ..
Can we get his family back in his profile?
This is a really unfortunate way to go about starting a discussion. I am sorry that it's the way you chose to do things, Livio.
There are numerous reasons I made the edits I made, reasons which were previously explained to Geni staff. Sometimes, curators have to make temporary reverts or other edits for reasons that we don't necessarily have the opportunity to explain to everybody, but I promise there are reasons for them.
Staff will come along and make the changes I requested within the next few days, and then the profiles will be all tidy again. In the meantime, your patience is appreciated.
If you or any other user ever has concerns that a curator is doing something improper, please contact misconduct@geni.com to file a complaint. Be sure to include links to the profiles, discussions threads, messages, etc. so they can fully investigate.
I do not see that as justifying putting it in the Middle Name Field.
That is how Geni should perhaps display it to us - or we should get a choice of how Geni Displays it to us, just as we get a choice of how Geni displays Birth Surname and Last Name.
But it is not a middle name, therefore does not belong in the Midfle Name Field.
Showing examples of how newspapers, etc. write the name in no way gives evidence about Fields. Perhaps Geni needs a Field for Nickname to be shown.
Or, if it is to be first entry in AKA Field, a way (perhaps first entry a doubledash?) to indicate not to bother with that - because many AKAs are spelling variations, not something that would be displayed as this is.
I know we were given the rule, use the name fields as they are labelled.
When a Newspaper writes "Dwayne ‘The Rock" Johnson" they are NOT saying ""The Rock"" is his Middle Name, so it does not belong in the middle name field, even if that is where we should be shown it when Geni puts the Fields together.
Also - I note I have seen others on Geni who get the same name appearance but they would put "Dwayne "The Rock"" in the First Name Field.
Quoting how it appears in the Newspaper says nothing to how it should be entered in Data Base Fields.
I should add, for the benefit of anyone else reading:
It really helps to understand how to read Geni revision histories. When a merge is reverted, it might look like the curator who undid the merge was making edits to the profile, but that isn't actually what happens -- it's just how the system is showing things. In this case, I didn't edit the profile and certainly never "blocked" anything on it, but the revision history will make it look that way if you're unfamiliar with how to read a merge reverts. And that is understandable for those who are still learning the site.
Moreover, Middle Name is one Geni gives the option to not show, and ditto for Last Name,
So maybe since you really want "The Rock" showing
<Dwayne "The Rock"> in First Name Field is the best choice.
For those who choose to see first, middle, last
<"The Rock" Johnson> in Last Name Field with just <Dwayne> in first name Field would produce the same thing also.
"One way to list your nickname is to add it in single quotation marks between your first and last name. Another option is to list your nickname after your full name in parentheses."
Article Pub: 5/4/2022 • Upd: 8/17/2024
"Various language conventions
English nicknames are generally represented in quotes between the bearer's first and last names (e.g., Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower and Daniel Lamont "Bubba" Franks). It is also common for the nickname to be identified after a comma following the full real name or later in the body of the text, such as in an obituary (e.g., Frankie Frisch, "The Fordham Flash")."
"Other languages may use other conventions; for example, Italian writes the nickname after the full name followed by detto "called" (e.g., Salvatore Schillaci detto Totò), in Spanish the nickname is written in formal contexts at the end in quotes following alias (e.g. Alfonso Tostado, alias «el Abulense»), in Portuguese the nickname is written after the full name followed by vulgo or between parenthesis (e.g. Edson Arantes do Nascimento, vulgo Pelé / Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Pelé)) and Slovenian represents nicknames after a dash or hyphen (e.g., Franc Rozman – Stane). The latter may cause confusion because it resembles an English convention sometimes used for married and maiden names."
So maybe since you really want "The Rock" showing <Dwayne "The Rock"> in First Name Field is the best choice.
Disagree. Records will show inconsistencies with this construction.
Which is why we use “display name” for “best known as” name constructions, and language modules for what might be less confusing in languages other than English.
Sorry, I did not see Erica's comment https://www.geni.com/discussions/282867?msg=1719245 or the others after it till I had posted https://www.geni.com/discussions/282867?msg=1719251
And it is true, I was thinking more about and addressing the Automatically Produced Display Name, not the Hard-typed ones in comments above of mine mentioning the other fields.
As to Livio's point - note Wikipedia says "It is also common for the nickname to be identified after a comma following the full real name or later in the body of the text, such as in an obituary (e.g., Frankie Frisch, "The Fordham Flash")."
Sounds like that is the usage he is most used to. Wikipedia says it is done both ways.
As to do we have a nickname field - Geni has field labelled "Also Known As" on the Edit screen in American English -- But in the Revision Tab if "Also Known As" has been updated, it reports "profile was updated. nicknames"
Same Field. Sometimes officially called "Also Known As". sometimes officially called "nicknames"
And I know I read the first entry in the that field was treated as the nickname. Tho no idea if it still is since it was not something I saw official documentation for, rather think a comment by Mike in a Public discussion.
Geni curators deal with celebrities and historic figures, and we have some latitude in how we select “display name.”
Have you seen the updated “Naming Conventions”?
I do I understand Livio’s point, which by the way, is “not” because he’s Italian. He’s suggesting that “The Rock” is the “former” “best known as,” and in Dwayne’s life evolution, he is dropping the name. Which is why TODAY’S publicity is highly relevant to how we construct the display name on Geni.
And, this has nothing to do with where you put a nickname as a guideline. I’ve already mentioned that I come from a line of nickname users, so I construct my personal tree as described in the Quora quotes. First name, middle name, nickname, last name.
Geni Naming Conventions says "6. All names a person is known by in any source should be listed in Nicknames"
Even tho in Edit Tab there ceased to be any Field called "Nicknames" so - both Geni Naming Conventions and Revision Tab.
Also - should ALL names a person has been known by go there - or just the one(s) not in the other fields.
For example, if always Mary Smith, should one do as it says and also put Mary Smith in Nicknames (and if so, with or without comma berween?)
Erica - sorry, but you did say
"Have you seen the updated “Naming Conventions”?
So then I focused on that.
Pretty please in future, knowing I often cannot read your mind, can you be clearer which section in the updated “Naming Conventions" you are referring to, so there is a better chance when I go and look it will be at the section you mean.
I will hush about fields now.
Do you want to explain what the heck "an “alias” formation (AKA) and not a nickname" means? And is there actually any agreement on that?
Or do you mean 'an alias formation' vs 'a nickname formation' or is that all off topic as well?
[Tried googling to find, got "An alias is an alternative spelling. A nickname is a local name for a remote object" and stopped.]
@Ashley Yes there is no doubt about the chronology of events, of who did what, and for the non-experts or practical I have also specifically written "May 2021 merge" / June 2021 FiX" / 2024 UNDO, my immediate refix, day after re-cancellation and block. "
Yes the cancellation process is never painless, (as you can see you can lose photos, mess up fields, data etc) for this reason it should only be done to solve major ongoing problems, and not done if in the meantime over the years people have worked on it and already fixed everything well.
@Lois look: regarding the fields everything is fine, and they have nothing to do with the display options that I assure you I know very well: -https://www.geni.com/account_settings/name_preferences
It is precisely the display name field that is used to decide what to display in the complex profiles.
(even much more complex than this:)
the problem is that apparently the American English seem to have exactly self-invent this rule as well described above by @Erica..
(maybe from how illiterate referees announced illiterate boxers 2 centuries ago.. then reported verbatim by Newspaper vendors... or who knows how:)
however unaesthetic, impractical, and apparently not sensible it may appear to Europeans, or perhaps lovers of linguistic form like perhaps Italians..
But Then Again They Are Not New To Inventing Strange Forms Of Writing For We Europeans, Going To Fill Also In The Middle Ages With Every Letter In Capital letters Every Word Of The Title .. Maybe we can argue(rebel) with it, but here this actor, however international he has become, is a US citizen and I really suppose we have "to stick to the tram" :*
& as we have extrapolated from his official social media, in some he is self identified in one way, in others with the other, and in others still with both ways..
..so all that's left for us to do is to <forcefully> teach him a more beautiful form of writing when we meet him face to face :D