זכריה מנדל קלוזינר/קלאוזנר, מקרקוב - A mistake about the identity of my father-in-law

Started by Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski on yesterday
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According to Naftali Wakstein and according to many other rabbinical sources, he is not Rabbi Chaim's son-in-law...

, He was the son-in-law of Rabbi Mordechai Yisrael Lipshitz of Prague and later he was the A.B.D. Köln
His wife(Esther) was the daughter of:

Rabbi Moses Aharon Teomim-Fraenkel

Naftali Wakstein wrote an article on the subject recently


A quick review of data I have collected about this node:

1) I see support for the positions of Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski and Naftali Wakstein (without having seen the article due to lack of access): Rabbi Zecharya Mendel Kalusziner/Klausner, of Krakow did marry Sirke Kloisner daughter of Mordechai Yisrael Mordechai Lifshitz/Lipshitz; whose spouse was Esther Lifshitz daughter of Rabbi Moses Aharon Teomim-Fraenkel;

Here is the relevant portion of a comment I copied from not sure where that corroborates this position:

"Dear friends,

I recently discovered that my grandmother's brother, who is a
Chassid of the rabbi of Bobov (like his father and grandfather),
had written a (Hebrew, private published) book about the family
history, the Bobov rabbis and, of course, the family ancestors,
who were rabbis. I'll list them starting with my g-grandfather.

I don't know were did the author got this information (whether at
home >from his father or, at least partly, >from other sources).

In some cases I didn't recognize the name of the towns mentioned.
I wrote the name of all towns in between.

Since I've just got this book I didn't have time, yet, to check
other sources about Polish rabbis (like Wunder's books etc.) In
case anyone has information/ corrections to my info/names or names
of not so familiar books or if any of you is related to these
rabbis - please contact me or let the sig members know about the
general interest information.

Here are the names:
(the numbers on the left side are the generations, above me,
mentioned in each line)

My g-grandfather was-

4) R' Yosef Moshe (HaKohen) KONIGSBERG (born in Zolynia (POL),
lived in Schwerin (GER) and Bochnia (POL)) son of
5) Beila, daughter of
6) the young daughter of
7) R' Yosef Moshe, A.B.D. of *Tshutsh* and R.B.D of Przemysl,
son of
8) R' Gershon , A.B.D. of *Olainov*, son of
9) R' Eliezer of *Drohobitch*, one of the 4 sons of rabbi
10) R' Ytzchak "Charif", A.B.D. of *Olainov Sombor*, author of
"HaElef lecha Shlomo", "Pnei Ytzchak" and other books. Son of
11) R' Yosef Moshe, A.B.D. of *Sombor Drigitshin*, one of the
teachers in the Yeshiva in *Pinsk*. He is buried in Safed
(Tzfat) in Israel. son of
12) R' Yakutiel Zalman, A.B.D. *Zolushin*, grandson of
14) the brother of R' Eliezer, A.B.D. and R.M. of *Tiktin*,
who was known as R' Leizer Charif of the Pichovitsher family,
son of
15) the daughter of
16) R' Moshe Elimelech Pailot, A.B.D. *Stire*, brother of 2
- R' Eliezer Irmyia, who was A.B.D. of *Tishovits*, which
town was "the first of the nine communities"
- R' Ytchak, A.B.D. of *Krilov*
They were the sons of
17) R' Eliakim Getz "whose ancestors 10 generations back were
great rabbis." He was the son of a brother of
18) R' Arie Leib, A.B.D. of *Krakow* and the area, who was known
as "Der Hoicher Rabbi Leib", son of
19) R' Zecharia Mendel, who was known as "R' Zecharia Hanavi"
(Hanavi = The prophet) He was the son in law of
20) The "Nagid" (= rich man) R' Ytzchak Ish-Lipshits of
*Pinchik*, grandson of
22) R' Moshe Ish-Lipshits, author of "Lechem Mishna". Son of
23) R' Yosinot (?!?!) of *Posen* son of
24) R' Eliyahu Lipshits.

The mother of the "Lechem Mishna" (22) was a sister of the
MaHaRaShaL (Rabbi Shlomo Luria).

Tomer Brunner, Israel
(Please include in your replies both of the following addresses:
<tomertomer22@walla.co.il> and <tomerbr@hotmail.com>)"

2) Meir Wunder, in Elef Margoliot may have different information, but I cannot be sure of Wunder's ultimate position since I do not have the most recently edited version of Elef Margoliot (for example, #780 on the Bushka-Fishels Tree, which may be outdated now, shows HaNavi with a spouse who is the daughter of Rabbi Yaakov Hirsch Levenshtam, ABD Brisk & Lublin their son being R' Zvi Hirsch Klausner, A.B.D. Lvov (city); I have attached this tree to the Rabbi Yaakov Hirsch Levenshtam, ABD Brisk & Lublin profile).

3) Otser HaRabanin # 5600 says HaNavi was s-i-l of Betsalel of Worms: # 4007 (shown on GENI as Yuta's grandfather), however, it is possible that Otser is confusing HaNavi with his grandfather, ZM Klausner, The Elder of Posen, who GENI shows as also marrying a daughter of Betsalel of Worms (Rabbi Zecharia Mendel, the Elder, of Posen) [Maharal brother-in-law]).

In my mind the questions are whether ZM Klausner HaNavi may have had more than one spouse, and if so who the spouse(s) may have been. I would like to know how Wakstein decides the matter of the other spouse(s).


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According to Naftali Wakstein, the information is 100% certain, only after I confirmed with him, I opened the discussion.

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