This Moses (there were MANY! Including two first cousins who have been disambiguated here--- thank you so much for all the help, dear curators!) is a grandson of Marmaduke Marmaduke Vickery, Sr. .
We know this Moses (my 4th great grandfather) bet on the horses and died in the poor house. (All noted in a newspaper article of his time.)
Unfortunately there are several Marmaduke Vickery who have yet to be disambiguated and the horse racing sticks in my mind greatly because it is something I KNEW of Moses but NOT of Marmaduke.
I do not expect that we will get the racehorse Marmaduke disentangled from the Alamance Marmaduke any time soon but am rather excited to learn of this here from the extra research we did to get the profiles fleshed out. I had never heard of it but I firmly believe there are folks down the line who know exactly WHICH Marmaduke (2 men? 3 men?) these represent, same as I know which Moses is "mine"
No action requested at this time. Just marking the common hobby note.
Thank you