Achaias (Argyll) Eochaidh [Euchaid] "The Poisonous" Rinnamail, IV of Scots was born circa 748, in .
He was the son of Aodh [Aedh] Hugh "Find the White" Fionn Ethafind/Ethanfinn Dalriada and Fergina Larddur.
Achaias had one brother: Cuhelyn ap Iarddur.
Achaias married Fergusa [Urgusia] (Unuisticc) Rinnamail circa 777, at age 29.
Fergusa was born circa 752, in .
They had one son: Alpin Iv "Cinaed" MacEochaid King of Alba Dal Riata and Kintyre (Scotts).
Achaias passed away circa 828, at age 80.
Eochaid is also known by many other names, including: Achaias Eochaidh,
Rinnamail, King of Argyll, Eugene IV King of Scotland, and "Crook Nose".