Cleaning up the Kukliai mess

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Unfortunately, Ian Geoffrey Levine's fabricated tree has been imported numerous times into Geni. It is time for us to clean it up.

Among the people who have unwittingly added his invented profiles are: Частный профиль, Michael Golden, Ryan Lesnick, Частный профиль, Частный профиль, Haim Katz Wartski,Hachoen, Частный профиль, Jacob Samuel Barkin.

Profiles added by the above-named people and profiles with the name or location Kukliai are all highly suspect. The tell-tale sign of the fabrications are the pre-1800 profiles with birth years (often without death years, meaning the birth info must not be from a death record or tombstone, which are normally the only possible sources in the areas where these people are from). Some of the profiles have imagined photographs. Obviously this all pertains to profiles that have no documentary evidence attached. When in doubt, just ask here in this discussion.

What we all need to do is delete as many of these fake profiles as we can. Ask for curator help here in this discussion when you need to sever relationships and are unable.

The fabricated is rather ingenious in that he managed to tie numerous families together into an inter-woven tree with many connections to each other, ultimately leading back to various famous documented families like Jaffe or Rapoport. We need to sever the relationships to these valid trees and then delete or isolate and delete as many of the fabricated branches as possible.

Here's one section that needs work. Mowscha Aharon Tankel

Others who have added some of these invented profiles include: Частный профиль and Wayne Scott Harvey

Here's a profile with a story attached. No documentation at all.

Zalman Joffe of Kukliai

More people who added him: Daniel Aronov, Robert Philip Schulberg, Dean Kagan, Dr. Stephen Michael Strudwick, Частный профиль, Robert Josephson

Here's a branch needing attention/deletion. Ascher Leyb Firer

Added by Jessica Helen Hirshorn

What about this one? Mojsze Chaim Judek Kalina

What's the problem with this profile? Ascher Leyb Firer

Indeed, Ian has done a Herculean job and continues to do so. And these are not only multi-thousand trees (albeit with errors). He was able to unite, connect and organize meetings with each other hundreds of real descendants of Kukl. In addition, he published several unique books of his family.
Don't take this all as advertising.
My ancestors also ended up in his trees, which is basically confirmed by DNA, but there are a huge number of overlaps. After corresponding with him, I managed to correct some things together. I really can’t imagine who and how besides himself will be able to put all this in order.
Unfortunately, my knowledge of English is not enough for such volumes of communication with Ian. Therefore, I invite the entire English-speaking community to solve this problem together with him.

Don't take this all as advertising.
He was able to unite, connect and organize meetings with each other hundreds of real descendants of Kukl.
In addition, he published several unique books of his family. c=qxIgClumBpwQ7kNvgHiJJIv&_nc_ht=scontent.ftxl3-2.fna&oh=00_AYBcP4nY5rLDySPqwYsrpuFw9MCdmKDyNsQPfA8rqpVi9Q&oe= 6666C537

Unfortunately, Z it was mostly a fabricated tree. He liked the attention, I guess. There is no documentation or proof for almost all of it. Please delete whatever you added that is derived from his trees.

Any evidence that Ascher Leyb Firer and his family existed? Where did the information come from? Частный профиль

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