Dame Sarah Paxton (nee Brown) - Correction from an Internet user

Started by Mike Stangel on yesterday
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We received the following correction, for your consideration:

Your reference to Dame Sarah Paxton, refers to her maiden name as "Brown", this regretfully, is incorrect.

From research her maiden name was "Bown", you are not alone in this oversight as many have succumb to this oversight..

If I might also add, on the day of his [Joseph Paxton, 23yrs, at the time) arrival at Chatsworth, 1826, as the new Head Gardener, instructing his new "team",, entered the house (Chatsworth) kitchens, it would be his first encounter with Sarah Bown. Neither could have foreseen the role they both would aspire to. Sarah would marry Joseph, and become in change of wages and other financial services for the estate. Their mutual devotion to the Duke's gardens, both botanical, landscape and creative fascination. would become a journey of discovery and investigation. They travelled throughout Europe, with his trusty Head Gardener, (Paxton) returning with numerous cuttings and plants. Between them both Chatsworth, is a marvel of colour and rarities.
To avoid any "spam" I would encourage a visit to the Chatsworth website, Dame Sarah Paxton (nee Bown) has a dedicated page, one assumes in recognition for her dedication and contribution.

It would be inappropriate to reveal all, there are several books celebrating in greater detail, there is little doubt the achievements of the Paxton duo, yet another contribution I prefer to call "Victorian Visionaries", without the documented industrial revolution, I'm certain of the invaluable legacy we enjoy today.

Thank you very much!

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