Started by Karen Jean Tanner on today
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Geni has began to categorize profiles as Fictional such as Ishmael, Abraham and others.

There are ancient scrolls, bibles, documents, painting, artifacts & archeology that I would presume support that these are real profiles.

What do you think?

Hello Karen,

I am very glad that you are opening a discussion on what's real, and what is not, and I'd like to be the first to share my opinion on the matter.

First off, I believe in a God. Reason being.. is, everything you see around you that's alive. Ants, birds, reptiles... you name it. All of them are in reality, biological machines.

Now, with that being said, a machine is "designed" .. it can't just spring up into existence and start working. I don't think that's how that works. Therefore, it is my clear opinion and factual reality to me really, that all things in this universe that are alive, and not, are by design.

The stripes on a zebra.. the mane on a lion.. WHO designed all that?

I won't go into "what" our God is... perhaps it's an alien.. perhaps it's a multi-dimensional creature, we don't know.. although, I do think there is a "main" creator, and then there are creators such as ourselves that go out into the universe and create other life. It's not just one giant mystical being that creates us all.. I think it's a caste type system.

Moving on now, to the heart of the matter and that is... what religious figures in the Bible, are real... and which ones - aren't?

I can tell you this. My father studied religions in context his whole life... trying to understand his own pas probably. He told me, that Jesus .... "was a real man" .. and that he was a Palestinian man. I believe him. I believe Jesus was a real person and that he existed.

The others in the bible though... some of them... may not be. Moses.. probably real. Mary.. probably real... but was Abraham really real? ... don't know, but my limited knowledge of that time in history tells me that most.. I'd say at least 50% .. of the poeple in the Bible, were real people.

Thank you for listening and/or reading.

~ Mark Washington

I'm pretty sure and fairly certain that the bible lists the complete genealogy, lineage and family tree 🌳 of Jesus going back to King David and before as that is prophecy fulfilled from the Old Testament

Eric Manuel,
the Biblical tree has BOTH of the genealogies of Jesus (back to King David) and dozens more early Christians.

The problem is with the lines FROM Jesus to present times. Every last one of them is fake.

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