Thomas Gibson of Queens Creek in York County, which later became New Kent then Hanover County, was born way before 1625 in England. He is with Nicholas Gibson in Charles River County. John Utie Jr. repatented his fathers 1250 acres in 1638. In 1639 he assigned 100 acres of land to Thomas Gibson. There is NO record of the wife of Thomas except ELIZABETH who had four grown daughters, two living in England when Thomas died in 1652. He left his land to his son Nicholas, when he became of age, which Nicholas inherited in 1658, this land which was in New Kent/Hanover County.
Nicholas Gibson aged 22 came in the Assurance in 1638 they were both in Charles River County.
There is NO RECORD of a wife for either Nicholas or Thomas II, it is all based on who knows what. Thomas' apparently had small children when they married, there was no Elizabeth South and Elizabeth Booth who is sometimes listed did not marry Thomas Gibson, she married Patrick Napier, she was daugther of Robert Booth, he and John Utie patented land, Thomas Gibson mentioned his daughter Elizabeth 'for reasons known only to him" and many have assumed he married Elizabeth Bouth but when challenged over the years they changed it to South, best I could tell.
Overwhelming evidence Thomas Gibson of Queens Creek is the father of Nicholas according to the will, Nicholas inherited the land in 1658 which was then in New Kent Co., John Pouncey, the Napiers etc., are all found in the same Parish. There is a Mary Gibson mentioned in the Parish records,1698 she may be Nicholas' wife as a 'Widow Gibson is mentioned in 1704 in King and Queen Co.
Richmond Terrell had land adj to Thomas Gibson in 1650s, he 'transported DOROTHY GIBSON' but there is no source for his parents, none. This Gibson line is Haplogroup I -- the Charles City County line is Haplogroup R - they are not related to those Gibsons.