James Love - Life facts need better sources

Started by William Brooks on today
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There are no records provided that support a middle name Arnold. Middle names were rare in the 17th century, though even if everyone had one, there's still no reason to attach one to this James. See https://genfiles.com/articles/middle-names/

Two of the sources listed on the about page are broken links. They need to be fixed and include an explanation of why they're valid.

There's nothing to connect this James Love to the record for the son of William and Janet Love baptized in 1756. The immigration record needs to be deleted. It refers to a James Love who arrived in VA by himself in 1665, which would make William and Janet's son 9 years old. Absent better sources the record lacks credibility.

Most importantly, there are no sources that support his being the parent of Alexander Love born in 1680/90. It's unsupported speculation unless such sources can be produced.

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